This repo contains codes and documentations for four project of the "Computational Numerical Statistics" course attended at NOVA Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, in Lisbon.
The course attended was completely taught in Portuguese.
The Folders are structured as follow:
Project 1
- arguments:
- Box-Muller Method
- Acceptance-Rejection Method
- Monte Carlo Integration
- Hypothesis testing
- code:
- documentation:
- arguments:
Ex2 (Project 2)
- arguments:
- Bootstrap and Jacknife: Batteries problem
- Bootstrap and Jacknife: Geometric distribution
- Optimization: Beta distribution
- Optimization: Exponential distribution
- code:
- documentation:
- arguments:
Ex3 (Project 3)
- arguments:
- Generalized Linear Models
- Bayesian Inference
- code:
- documentation:
- arguments:
Ex4 (Final Project - slides)
- arguments:
- Random variable generation
- Box-Muller Method
- Optimization
- Analytical solution
- Bisection method
- Newton-Raphson method
- Fisher Scoring Method
- Random variable generation
- code:
- documentation:
- arguments:
If you are interested in something, don't hesitate to contact me or open an issue.