Algebra Front-end Developer Course 2021 - final project
This is the final project for the forementioned educational program.
- CSS3
- "vanilla" JavaScript
- Scaledrone
- Sends messages with autor name
- Recognizes sender from the rest of the chat members by showing the messages on the right (sender) and on the left (others)
- Random nickname generator and random name color picker
- Connected to Scaledrone
- Displays active members and notifications who joined
- Autoexpanding input area with a scrollbar in case of a larger text input
- Displays date and time with the message
- Displays warning message when max message length reached
- Displays message when error while connecting to Scaledrone
- Responsive design
- limit number of characters in the form input field + alert message
- add modal window when error while connecting
- add date & time with every message sent
- add small modal window with alert when character limit reached
- add SCSS
- make version with Webpack
You can create your Scaledrone channel for free here.
To connect to the channel you need to paste your channel ID in the wall-chat.js
// Connecting to Scaledrone channel ID
const CLIENT_ID = "j34oer0909w8uhi3uhtie";
Open the chat in two or more different windows/tabs.