Command line application (CLI Todo App) made with Bubble Tea (to create a TUI) & Cobra frameworks, and CRUD to a SQLite database
- Using GORM for agile database management: The database used is SQLite3 and its (hidden) storage file is created in the user folder.
- Using Cobra framework: A library for creating powerful modern CLI applications.
provides its own program that will create your application and add any commands you want. It's the easiest way to incorporateCobra
into your application. If you prefer to use this option to create CLI apps withCobra
, install it with the command:go install
. - Using the Bubble Tea framework: The functional and stateful way to build terminal apps. A Go framework based on The Elm Architecture.
Bubble Tea
is well-suited for simple and complex terminal applications, either inline, full-window, or a mix of both. - Using the Lip Gloss library: From the same creators of the Bubble Tea framework. It allows you to style the TUI (text-based user interface) in a similar way to how it is done with CSS, allowing you to easily create layouts.
Terminal showing how to achieve autocompletion in the current session and the resulting list of commands:
Terminal showing the task creation form indicating a warning & the details of a specific task given its ID:
Terminal showing the update of the fields of a task given its ID & the error output of the application when the user does not enter the correct arguments:
If you want to install the application on your machine and you have Go installed, you can simply run the following command (requires Go 1.23 or higher):
$ go install -ldflags="-s -w"
This will download the source code (and any necessary dependencies) and compile it into an executable that will be placed in the PATH you've set for Golang binaries.
If you don't have Go, you can download the appropriate executable for your system from here. Once unzipped, you can place it in the folder where your system normally stores executables (although you could place it in any directory). Then, you just have to update the system PATH with that address.
- Clone the repository and run the following commands:
$ go mod tidy && go run ./cmd/task -h # to start the application in development mode
- Build for production:
$ go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o ./bin/task ./cmd/task # ./bin/task -h to run the application
In the latter case, you can call the task
command by placing the executable you generated in the appropriate directory on your system and proceeding as above.