Success! Ember.js Octane was relased in v3.15 of Ember, and it included a copy of these blueprints by default.
Therefore, this repository can be deprecated.
Today, to create an Octane app,
install at least version 3.15 of the Ember CLI and generate your app. You do not need to specify a -b
option anymore:
npm install -g ember-cli
ember new my-app-name
To generate an addon using Octane blueprints:
ember addon my-addon-name
To learn more, visit
Although these blueprints are deprecated, they can still serve as a public example for how to make custom blueprints.
New Projects
# Apps
ember new my-app -b @ember/octane-app-blueprint
# Addons
ember addon my-addon -b @ember/octane-addon-blueprint
Existing Projects
# Apps
ember init -b @ember/octane-app-blueprint
# Addons
ember init -b @ember/octane-addon-blueprint
- Glimmer Components
- Native Decorators
- Tracked Properties
- ember-auto-import
- no jquery
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
export default class HolaComponent extends Component {
@tracked count = 0;
@action increment() {
@action decrement() {
# Clone repo
git clone
# Install dependencies
cd ember-octane-blueprint/packages/\@ember/octane-app-blueprint
yarn install
cd ../octane-addon-blueprint
yarn install
# Move to the desired folder to create your octane app or addon
cd ~
# Create octane app using the local blueprint
ember new my-app -b $pathToBlueprintRepo/ember-octane-blueprint/packages/\@ember/octane-app-blueprint
# Create octane addon using the local blueprint
ember addon my-addon -b $pathToBlueprintRepo/ember-octane-blueprint/packages/\@ember/octane-addon-blueprint
This project is licensed under the MIT License.