The goal is to build a support system for companies that want to move away from phone support or reduce it. But who needs a stable and fast system.
A support system for all companies and products. An easy way to help the customer with problems.
The following objects are to be implemented. There should be users who have further information Users also have login data. Users can be in a group. These groups can have permission. Users can be in a chat. There should be predefined messages.
- java OpenJDK 11 (11.0.6 tested)
install docker and setup a database like so
docker run --name postgres-supportme-native -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pass -d postgres
And start psql shell
docker exec -it postgres-supportme-native psql -U postgres
and create the Database with the sql/create.sql
use a existing postgres database change the credentials in "ch.iso.m120.model.Database" and create the Database with the sql/create.sql
Just execute
If you don't have Gradle installed you can use ./gradlew or on windows gradlew.bat