meetapp is a service to help you organize events
with meetapp, you register "talks" with a certain time in minutes, and based on those minutes and their categories, an algorithm organizes your event for you
the goal is to try to make the event as less segmented as possible, always trying to organize lectures on different types of subjects and not just a specific type
try to use the app now
i built all this application UI with figma, you can find the design here
the algorithm organizes your event into trails automatically, based on the duration of your meets
easily see all the trails of your event, and when each meet will happen
this project was developed with the following technologies:
- Vue.js
- Vuex
- Vue Router
- SCSS (for handle all styles build it from the ground up)
to clone this repository and run this app, you'll need git and node.js installed on your computer.
i highly recommend yarn for handling node packages faster, but you can use npm if you want, no problem.
from your command line:
# clone this repository
$ git clone
# go into the repository
$ cd meetapp
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# run the app in development mode
$ npm run start