This is a very cool lib, allows to define dynamic serialized fields in your AR model, which acts as normal rails db columns. It give you full power of rails to your virtual columns: validations, rails forms, error messages, type casting (integer, date/time), type safety, :dirty? s, etc.. STI is supported! Basic associations is working too!
Now updated for Rails 3
create_table :documents do |t|
t.string :type
t.text :serialized_attributes # <--- here all your dynamic fields will be saved
t.integer :reference_id # <--- you can also define any sql columns for your indexes
class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
include SerializedAttributes
class Post < Document
attribute :title, String
attribute :body, String
attribute :is_published, Boolean, :default => false
attribute :comment_ids, Array # <--- serialized Array of ids of associated comments
has_references_to :comments
validates_presence_of :title, :body
class Comment < Document
attribute :body, String, :requied => true # <--- validates_presence_of :body
attribute :post_id, Integer
belongs_to :post
post = Post.create(:title => "First Post", :body => "Lorem ...")
assert !post.new_record?
post.comments = [Comment.create(:body => "this is a comment")]
post.comments << Comment.create(:body => "this is second comment")
assert_equal, post.comment_ids
assert post.reload.comments.length == 2
class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base
include SerializedAttributes
#protect other attributes from mass assignment
attr_accessible :name
#specifically permit a given serialized attribute to be mass assigned
accessible_attribute :creator, String
- has-references-to association dont update reverse association
- serialized-attributes column saved every time you call :save without depending on what is actually changed