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Empire City Conf

Conference website. Work-in-progress.



To get started:

git clone
cd website

Then visit http://localhost:4567/


The website is hosted on GitHub pages. To deploy:

bin/rake deploy

The deploy task will build the middleman project and push the latest source files to the gh-pages branch of this repository.


If the bundle command fails to run, you may need to upgrade your Ruby version. The website build requires 1.9.3 or newer (2.3.0 recommended). You can use RVM to install it:

curl -L | bash -s stable
rvm install 2.3.0
rvm use 2.3.0

Adding Talks

After a conference, once the YouTube links are up, you'll want to add the talks to the site. To do so, just add the talks as YAML files in ./talks/<city>/<year>/<talk-name>.yml. There is a blank template at ./blank-talk.yml to make it easier to create these files.

Once you've added a file, it should show up on the homepage and as a page in the site.

To quickly see all the talks for the conference and check your work, visit the /talks/<city>/<year> page.