Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Multiplayer | Advanced Server and Client Solution
- SCodPromod features
- Start Promod Server
- High FPS MiniMap config
- Start Bot Server
- Changing the Key Code
- Rank up to level 55 - No Mods
- Rank up to level 55 - Mods or Servers with Mods
- Start B3 Services
You need to be in "C:\Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer" folder to perform following actions
- Killcam enabled
- Friendly kill disabled
- No radar with 3 kill streak, no chopper, no airstrike, etc
- No fancy noob perks
- No ranks or levels. All unlocked
- Sniper scope is stable. No need to hold breathe
- Granades are improved, never blast on your hand
- No fixed machine guns on the map
- No unnecessary sound effects and smokes on the map
- No weapon smokes
- High FPS
- Simply the SCodPromod is the best ways to play Cod4 Multiplayer
- Go to \servers folder
- Run any of the file starting with "server_" to start relevant server
- Run client_windowed or client_fullscreen and click "Join Game" to connect
- Server you just created will be available to other computers on your LAN
- You can run one or multiple servers at once
- Run \players\place_cfg.cmd
- Run \iw3mp.exe
- If the game asked to Set Optimal Settings, Click "No"
- Modify configuration/controls if needed
- Play the game and verify the difference
- Go to \servers folder
- Run "bots" to start a server with bots
- Run client_windowed or client_fullscreen and click "Join Game" to connect
- Server you just created will be available to other computers on your LAN
- You can run one or multiple servers at once
- Run \players\keycode_generator.exe
- Run \iw3mp.exe
- Options -> Multiplayer Options -> Enter Key Code
- Press (Alt+Tab) to switch between generator and game
- Type the keycode on generator into the input fields
- Run \iw3mp.exe
- Press (Alt+Tab) to switch between game and other windows
- Run \players\easy_account.exe
- Select "CoD 4 v1.7" and click Easy Upgrade
- Switch to game and check "Rank & Challenges"
- Your rank is upgraded to 55 but this is temporary
- Click "Start New Server" from the menu and "Start" a quick server
- Just play the game few seconds to save your rank
- Run \iw3mp.exe
- Load the Mod or connect to the server with Mods
- Go back to main menu
- Press (Alt+Tab) to switch between game and other windows
- Run \players\easy_account.exe
- Select "CoD 4 v1.7" and click Easy Upgrade
- Switch to game and check "Rank & Challenges"
- Your rank is upgraded to 55 but this is temporary
- "Create" a quick server or "Reconnect" to the same server and play game for few seconds to make it permanent
- Configure \servers\SCodPromod\conf\b3.xml
- Execute \servers\SCodPromod\sql\scodpromod.sql on your MySQL server
- Start a Promod server. Some plugins doesn't work with Bot servers
- Run \servers\SCodPromod\b3.exe and leave running in background
- Connect to the game and type !help on the chat to verify