Leetcode.com Longest Common Prefix Solution (PHP)
[Runtime 8ms (faster than 90%), 19MB memory usage (less than 80%) ]
Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.
If there is no common prefix, return an empty string ""
Input: strs = ["flower","flow","flight"]
Output: "fl"
Example 2:
Input: strs = ["dog","racecar","car"]
Output: ""
Explanation: There is no common prefix among the input strings.
1 <= strs.length <= 200
0 <= strs[i].length <= 200
consists of only lowercase English letters.
class Solution {
function longestCommonPrefix($strs) {
$strs_count = count($strs);
if ($strs_count < 2) {
return $strs_count ? $strs[0] : '';
$equal = $strs[0];
for ($n = 1; $n < $strs_count; $n++) {
$a = str_split($equal);
$b = str_split($strs[$n]);
$equal = '';
$max = min(count($a), count($b));
for($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
if ($a[$i] == $b[$i]) {
$equal .= $b[$i];
}else {
if (!$equal) return $equal;
return $equal;