ArdahanDuyuru Public
Ardahan Üniversitesi Chrome duyurular eklentisi.
twitterNote Public
📝 A Chrome Extension that helps you to take notes about the people who you blocked, or muted.
vonage-send-sms Public
Send and receive an SMS using Vonage APIs with Next.js
JavaScript UpdatedJan 9, 2024 -
emrecoban.github.io Public
my beautiful personal page: https://emrecoban.github.io
ComputationalThinking Public
🦜 A web application that measures computational thinking skills.
svgl Public
Forked from pheralb/svgl🧩 A beautiful library with SVG logos. Built with Sveltekit & Tailwind CSS.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedDec 11, 2023 -
twitter-gallery Public
🖼️ A Next.js application that allows you to easily browse and filter media files from Twitter users.
opendesign Public
Forked from btk/opendesignWebsite for Open license that allows you to get, use, change, and share design.
company Public
Full stack Next.js app with Next Auth, MongoDB.
nextjs-blog Public
A very simple blog app built with Next.js.
musahit-testi Public
Forked from iltekin/musahit-testiMüşahit Testi (musahittesti.org)
caption-meow Public
🐱 An open-source social network that provides a daily creative challenge for cat lovers to come up with witty captions for cat photos while competing with other users.
eksiShot Public
📸 eksiShot, ekşi sözlük'teki entryleri resimlere dönüştürmek ve entry ekran görüntüleri almak için ücretsiz bir araçtır.
eksisozluk-api Public
This is a simple server that is designed to fetch the HTML source code from a given URL.
turkish-dictionary Public
📕 Kelimelerin anlamlarını, özelliklerini ve örnek cümleler içerisinde kullanımını gösteren bir dijital platform.
next-admin Public
a Next.js app with admin dashboard.
etimolojiturkce-api Public
Forked from btk/etimolojiturkce-apiDocumentation and examples about how you can use etimolojiturkce.com HTTP api
short-life Public
A small Next.js application that reminds us that life is short.
kusadasi-market Public
For e-commerce cart system sample with pure JavaScript.
next.js Public
Forked from vercel/next.jsThe React Framework
Life-Progress-Android Public
Forked from Bartozo/Life-Progress-AndroidFriendly reminder that you're not gonna live forever
dikey-gecis-asistani Public
🛤️ Android app to assist students preparing for the Dikey Gecis Sinavi (An exam in Turkey).