Send the battery voltage to Adafruit IO. Also count the number of network connection errors.
Send the voltage of the battery to to the feed periodically so I can figure out at what point to give a warning that the battery is low. 3.3 volts looks good at the moment but maybe I can go lower after finding out how long the battery lasts with 10 minute deep sleeps.
This started with random ConnectionError crashes with either unknown error or No network with that ssid. Re-running the script right away usually worked but sometimes I had to try several times before it worked and sometimes I gave up and tried again later. The problem seemed to be worse in the evening. It turns out it was crashing because I wasn't catching the errors properly but I was still getting those errors so I decided to count them to see if there was a pattern.
When there's an error, increment a counter in alarm.sleep_memory[5] and the next time the board connects, sync the counter with Adafruit IO and zero out the counter.
At first after a failure to connect I would retry again after 3 seconds. Later I switched to 3 minutes and got very few errors after that. That might just be because I'm making less attempts but I wonder if my router was ignoring the MagTag because of its spammy behaviour. Looking at the REPL, the No network with that ssid errors seem to have disappeared but I'm still getting a few unknown errors.
This is the issue I created for the connection errors
The battery I'm using is the 3.7v 420mAh Lithium Ion Battery