A study case of real state sales 2001-2020 using a dataset found on kaggle
This project has learning purposes and it will be used to learn how to do a proper Data Exploration Analysis, Statistical Tests, Feature Analysis and Model Training.
Real State Sales: 'real-state-sales.csv' was found on kaggle.
Serial Number: Is just a unique set of digits to identify each transaction
List year: This is the year that the particular property was put up for sale.
Date Recorded: Is the date that the transaction was completed. That is, the year the property was bought.
Town: The town where this property is located.
Address: The property's address.
Assessed Value: How much the property is generally considered to be worth.
Sale Amount: How much the property was actually sold for.
Sales Ratio: The ratio measures how close the selling price of the property is to it's assessed value.
Property Type: What kind of property it is.
Residential Type: If it is a residential property, what type is it.
Years until sold: Number of years before the property was finally sold
- R - Data Manipulation
- tidyverse