That project is responsible for authenticate users and manage currency conversions between authenticated users currency wallets.
To build the project as an executable file you can simply run the following make command;
make build
or you can build the project as docker image with the following command;
docker build -t ${docker_username}/${registry_name}:${image_tag}
Before you test the application you need to generate needed mocks by executing following make command;
make generate-mocks
After you generate mocks, you can simply run following make command to run all tests;
make unit-tests
Before you run the project, you need to stand the database up. You can simply use the following docker-compose command;
docker-compose up -d
After you stand up the database, you can either run the project as docker container or an executable file.
To run the project as executable file, you can use following make command combinations;
make build
make run
to first build then run. Or directly use following make command to build and run;
make start
To run the project as docker container, you can use following docker commands;
docker build -t ${docker_username}/${registry_name}:${image_tag}
docker run -p ${host_port}:4001 ${docker_username}/${registry_name}:${image_tag}
You can use following make command to get rid of unnecessary files generated during build or test.
make clean
I wrote special seed commands both supports drop all tables from database by following make command;
make drop-tables
and creating all tables on database with static and example data
make migrate-tables
You can see the swagger documentation of current endpoints after
you start the application in the route;
I use default golangci-lint linter specifications for linting. You can use the following make command to check any lint issues;
make linter