GCM deprecated as per google and new FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) has been introduced.Here is the complete Implementation of FCM code its steps to create required files i.e google-services.json Start by visiting this link https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/android/start
Assign package name for your app in our case "com.sample.fcmimplementation" or you can assign anyother package name for your app Click on "Choose and Configure Services" button.
Tickmark your service "Cloud Messaging" in case of "FCM"(Firebase Cloud Messaging) and then click on Generate configuration files
Step 3
Here it will generate :
- Server API Key
- Sender ID
Above these two ids will be unique for every package.You can provide these details to server side Team so that they can use these id's to send notification to client side.
Here it also has the option for Download google-services.json
download this file and save it in your system.
Later you have to add this file in your project inside app Folder.Your folder structure should be look like this:
Now this is End of required files from google.
if you are going to clone this repo please replace your google-services.json file inside app folder because in this file i have removed my senderKey and app ID.
Happy Coding