##Getting and cleaning data project ###Analysis by Enmanuel Martinez
This is an analysis made to the Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Data Set from the UCI machine learning repository.
r_analysis reads samsung`s data into r and modifies it to output a clean and tidy data set. If you want the function to work you would have all the necesary txt files in the working directory and have some of the packages installed. If you rather copy the commands into R and go step by step through the code, you could also change the working directories through the downloaded file.
basically the code reads the data into R, then it merges the data set into one. After this, the column names are changed to a more descriptive tittle. later on the data is groupd and gathered to make it look complete and tidy.
The script has descriptions on every step, so it is very self explanatory.
the necesary files for the function to work are:
- features.txt
- subject_test.txt
- subject_train.txt
- tidy_data.txt
- X_test.txt
- X_train.txt
- y_test.txt
- y_train.txt