Releases: enpadasi/Ontology-for-Nutritional-Studies
Releases · enpadasi/Ontology-for-Nutritional-Studies
ONS release v 2.0.0 - 2024-05-31
ONS release v 1.2.3 - 2022-01-19
Main changes:
- Addition of several classes for the modeling of the "dairy food fermentation" reality, as will be included in the manuscript submitted
- changed in the way ONS deal with ontofox import for some reference #31
ONS release v 1.2.2 - 2021-08-23
- Addition of various terms that will be in the IFOW2021 presentation and article
- Switch back to the numbered versioning
ONS June release
- Using a month-year release versioning, instead of the numbered versioning
- Terms for NTRs for Dietary Reference Intake were added #16
- Terms related to food fermentation were added
ONS release version 1.2.0
Major update in this version:
- Adoption of the GitHub release system
- Correction of some compatibility bugs with the obo format
- Correction of inconsistency with RO on RO:0001000
- Updated classes imported from other ontologies to latest version
- See #13 for other features corrected/changed in this release
ONS release 1.1.0
This release is mainly meant for backwards compatibility and backup. It represent the status of the repository before adopting the GitHub release system