This is a collaborative resource for faculty teaching MTEC 1201 at City Tech. It is a growing repository of syllabi, assignments, demos, and more.
Modifying files: If suggesting modifications to existing files on this repo, please create a pull request for AB to review.
Adding new files: If adding new files (such as demos, new assignments, etc.), any 1201 faculty can push new files to the main branch (pull request optional).
Citations: When using materials from this repo, please cite the original creator and any additional contributors. For example, "this demo was originally created by Jenny Apple with additional modfications by Peter Blueberry and Mary Mango."
This Repo is an OER: This repo is being built as an Open Educational Resource. Any materials added to this repo should be free for anyone to use and modify, for non-commercial use, with proper attribution. (If you do not want for others to use your code or materials as a part of this OER, that's fine, just don't add it!) If adding materials from outside resources, double check licensing information and proper attribution. Linking out to publicly accessible materials with copyright meets OER standards (such as creating a clickable weblink to a website, article, or video with copyright), but hosting files on this repo containing any materials with copyright does not.
Questions? Suggestions for this collaborative experiment?: contact Allison.