To create a functional news search app, using up to date technologies and best practices in the field
- Allow user to search for news by keywords
- Allow user to sign up and authenticate if that username is not taken
- Allow user to login/logout
- Allow user to save news
- Allow user to delete news
- User Story #1 As a user, I should be able to see a landing page/Home page
- User Story #2 As a user, I should be able to search without any errors
- User Story #3 As a user, I should be able to sign up and sign in with authentication validated
- User Story #4 As a user, I should be able to save and delete news
- The application shall allow users to see news based on search.
- The application should allow user to see their saved news
- Homepage
- News Search
- Singin
- Singup
- Change User name
- [ ]
- NodeJs
- Express
- Celebrate
- Helmet
- Validator
- Mongoose
- Express-rate-limit
- Winston
- JasonWebToken
- Bcrypt
- React
- React-Router-Dom
- -react-hook-form (to be added)
- Open a terminal and clone the repo using the following command:
git clone
- Install dependencies
- Start the gatsby server
yarn start
- Start breaking the code and have fun
The front-end is deployed HERE.