We are pleased to announce the v1.0 release of Enzo-E, a new parallel adaptive mesh refinement magnetohydrodynamics code. Enzo-E is based on Cello, a highly scalable, fully-distributed array-of-octree parallel adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) framework, and Enzo-E is a scalable branch of the original Enzo parallel astrophysics and cosmology application that has been ported to use Cello. Enzo-E’s parallel scalability is enabled by Charm++ (https://charmplusplus.org/), an advanced parallel runtime system developed at the University of Illinois. A short paper describing Enzo-E can be found here.
Features include:
- Three HD/MHD solvers: PPM, PPML, VL+CT
- Self gravity with a multigrid Poisson solver
- Collisionless particles
- Cosmological evolution
- A wide range of star formation and sink algorithms
- Scalable HDF I/O
- Radiative cooling and chemistry via connection to the Grackle package