This package contains classes and functions to convert a job from the openEO syntax to an Apache Airflow DAG or basic Python script, both relying on eoDataReaders for data processing.
conda env create -f conda_environment.yml
python install
virtualenv eodc-openeo-bindings -p python3.6
source activate eodc-openeo-bindings
python install
In case you want to run tests also run
pip install -r requirements-test.txt
Important: currently the tests rely on having a local CSW server set up as described in
To execute the tests (Make sure you installed the test requirements - see section above):
python test
Create Apache Airflow DAG file (naming: dag_<job_id>.py
- _parallelized
is added to the end of the name if the dag
is to be run in parallel):
from eodc_openeo_bindings.job_writer.dag_writer import AirflowDagWriter
writer = AirflowDagWriter() # class can be initiated before usage and can then be reused multiple times
# the ProcessGraphJson can be either a dictionary or a path to a ProcessGraph json-file
writer.write_and_move_job(job_id="job-1234", user_name="test-user", process_graph_json={}, job_data="/path/to/job/folder")
Create Python script:
from eodc_openeo_bindings.job_writer.basic_writer import BasicJobWriter
writer = BasicJobWriter()
writer.write_job(process_graph_json="/path/to/process_graph.json", job_data="/path/to/job/folder")
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 3.1. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see