This Readme contains a quick guide to installing the EODMS plugin in QGIS.
NOTE: QGIS must be using Python 3.8 or higher to run this plugin. You can check the Python version by opening the Python console
and entering:
>>> import sys >>> sys.version '3.9.5 (tags/v3.9.5:0a7dcbd, May 3 2021, 17:27:52) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)]'
You can download the plugin as a .zip file by:
Using an application like 7zip, zip the entire eodms-qgis plugin folder.
Under the menu item Plugins, select Manage and Install Plugins...
In the side panel, click Install from ZIP.
Click the browse button
and select the zip file.
The Install from ZIP window of the Manage and Install Plugins feature -
Click Install Plugin.
Follow these instructions to initialize the plugin in QGIS:
Under the menu item Plugins, select Manage and Install Plugins...
In the Plugins dialog, locate and check the EODMS plugin from the list.
Click Close to exit the Plugins dialog.
If the following buttons appear on the toolbar, the plugin is ready to be used.
For more in-depth instructions on using the plugin, open the or EODMS_Plugin_Documentation.pdf located in the docs