View the entire collection of Nintendo Entertainment System game covers on a tft screen.
- TFT LCD 4.0'' / 3.5'' (ST7796 / ILI9488)
- NES Game Shell
- SD/MicroSD Card Reader
- 3 Microswitch button
These buttons are for the function of:
- Change the image manually.
- Modify the image change delay time (Stopped "Fix a single cover"/5 sec/15 sec/30 sec/60 sec)
- Change screen brightness (Minium 0 / Maximun 250)
Function button:
- Mode/Option: Image / Brightness / Delay
- Plus: Next Image / Up Brightness/Delay
- Minus: Previous Image / Down Brightness/Delay
#define TFT_ST7796
//#define TFT_ILI9488
#if defined(TFT_ST7796)
#define GFX_BL 22
#define DC 2
#define CS 15
#define SCK 14
#define MOSI 13
#define MISO 12
#define RST 4
#if defined(TFT_ILI9488)
#define DC 15
#define CS 33
#define WR 4
#define RD 2
#define D0 12
#define D1 13
#define D2 26
#define D3 25
#define D4 17
#define D5 16
#define D6 27
#define D7 14
#define RST 32
#define BTN_GPIO_MODE 21
#define BTN_GPIO_MINUS 3
#define BTN_GPIO_PLUS 1
#define SD_GPIO_CS 5
#define SD_GPIO_MOSI 23
#define SD_GPIO_MISO 19
#define SD_GPIO_SCK 18
Implementation performed by @David ¡ Camarada a seguirle dando !
- The MicroSD Memory must be formatted in FAT32.
- The images must be with png extension and in 320x480 resolution
- The battery level indicator is in development (Fixed value of 99% is indicated)
- Add Lipo Battery Rechargeable (View state on screen)
- Sleep mode (Screen Off) / Alarm clock (Speaker)
Resources used:
- Arduino GFX:
- PNGdec:
- Core ESP32 Arduino:
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