Create playlists easily from a list of artists, using their top songs.
Currently supported: Spotify, Google Music.
This project requires python 3+
pip install playlist-kreator
playlist-kreator artists big_four_thrash.txt "Big Four of Thrash" --max-songs-per-artist=10
This will create a playlist called "Big Four of Thrash". The playlist will be composed of 10 top songs for each artist listed in the file big_four_thrash.txt. Content of big_four_thrash.txt:
Anthrax Megadeth Metallica Slayer
You can find more examples in the example_artists
- Google Music needs an application password, you can set it here:
- Google Music has a limit of 1000 songs per playlist
- THe search can be wrong sometimes, a better solution is in progress
Pull requests are welcome!
pip install -r requirements.txt
Kreator is amazing. 🤘