- Introduction
- The project
- Transformation
- webGIS
- Main technologies
- Set up and running
- About us
- License
The work presented in this website is part of a project called giCASES whose objective is to create a University-Enterprise Alliance for a Spatially Enabled Society.
This Knowledge Alliance is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union that involves various European universities – and Politecnico di Milano among them - with the purpose of reducing the gap between the knowledge students obtain while studying and the knowledge required once they start working.
The idea is that this goal can be achieved through a collaboration with relevant companies presenting real life cases for the students to solve.
For this project, the students of the Geographic Information System course of professor Brovelli teamed up with Epsilon Italia to develop the case study CS5 - Harmonizing data flows in Energy Saving EU policies.
The cornerstone of the project is the INSPIRE Directive with a focus on how states of the European Union are required to transform their data into an INSPIRE compliant format.
This will lead to the creation of a common spatial data infrastructure, enabling the sharing of spatial information between organisations and countries all over Europe and assisting them in policy-making across boundaries.
The main goal of the project was to harmonize data flows related to energy saving policies for buildings located in the centre of Sondrio, one of the provincial capital of Lombardy region in Italy.
In particular, the two objectives of the work were:
- to perform a transformation of the CENED (Certificazione ENergetica degli EDifici) dataset according to the extended INSPIRE Building 2D core data model;
- to show the CENED dataset of Sondrio together with additional ancillary information using a WebGIS.
Before starting the actual work, an understanding of the main goal of the INSPIRE Directive and the study of both the source data model and sets given from CENED and the target data model and schema from INSPIRE were required.
Once those knowledge was acquired, the first step in harmonizing the data was to link the simpler source data model to the more complex target data model, matching attributes and values.
In order to visualize the attributes needed from the target data model and the corresponding attributes in the source data model, a mapping table was created and, based on that, we were able to perform the transformation using Hale Studio, an open source data transformation.
The final output was a GML
(Geography Markup Language) file, which can be downloaded here (??????).
The last part of the project consisted in creating a WebGIS to visualize the transformed data along with various
basemaps and ancillary datasets related to the energy topic, all published as WMS
or WFS
Using OpenLayers we set up a WebGIS that shows a visualization of the original CENED dataset - consisting in a selection of 103 buildings in the centre of Sondrio -, the boundaries of the municipality and of the province and the building footprint.
As ancillary layers one can find the dams, the hydraulic regulation works and the geothermal plants in the area. The choice had fallen upon those constructions because they either provide or have the potential to provide electric or heat energy for housing.
The map is completed by the CENED dataset of Lecco and a choice of four different basemaps.
QGIS: an open source desktop Geographic Information System that allows to create, edit, visualize and publish geospatial information. The main usage in our project was the visualization and the cleaning of the dataset in order to take in consideration only the buildings in the centre of Sondrio.
GeoServer: an open source server for sharing geospatial data. It is design for interoperability and it allows to publish data from any major spatial data source using open standards. All the layers in our WebGIS are datasets published on GeoServer as WMS or WFS.
OpenLayers: OpenLayers is an open source software that allows to put dynamic in any web page. It can display map tiles, vector data and markers loaded from any source. Our WebGIS is created entirely using OpenLayers.
Hale Studio: an open source software for fast and interactive data transformation. We used this software to transform the dataset from CENED to the INSPIRE compliant format.
- Install the last version of Node.js
- Clone this repository
- Inside the directory where you have cloned the repository run
npm install
- To build the website run
npm start
This repository contains the project of the course Geographic Information System teached at Politecnico di Milano by Professor Brovelli in the academic year 2017/2018.
The group is composed three Master degree students of Politecnico di Milano: Lorenzo Stucchi, Edoardo Pessina and Mathias Vestgaard.