Functions and scripts for processing RNA MERFISH data.
The script is a pipeline that takes the molecules identified by MERlin and a cellpose segmentation and produces a number of quality metrics and outputs, notably a cell by gene table that can be used for further analysis. A scanpy object is also created with an initial clustering using default parameters.
To run the pipeline, a configuration file is required. See config.json for an example of this configuration.
This command will run the pipeline:
python -c config.json -o output_folder -e experiment_name
The output of the pipeline will be put into the specified output folder. The input to the pipeline is defined by the analysis_root, data_root, segmentation_root, and segmentation_name specific in the configuration file, along with the experiment name given in the command. For example, with an analysis_root set to /home/myself/merlin
, a data_root set to /home/myself/data
, a segmentation_root set to home/myself/segmentation
, a segmentation_name set to cellpose_segmentation
and an experiment name of exp1
, the pipeline will expect the find:
- Raw image files in
- MERlin output in
- Segmentation masks in
Documentation is a work in progress and will be expanded over time. Contact Colin Kern ( for any questions.