The gmailSaver can download emails from a gmail account by using Gmail API and extract all url links in them.
You need to follow the gmail python tutorial.
The tutorial prerequisites contain:
- Python 2.6 or greater.
- The pip package management tool.
- A Google Cloud Platform project with the API enabled. To create a project and enable an API, refer to Create a project and enable the API. Enable the "Gmail API".
- Authorization credentials for a desktop application. To learn how to create credentials for a desktop application, refer to Create credentials. There're 3 types of credentials. I choose OAuth client ID credentials(application type = Desktop app).
- A Google account with Gmail enabled.
Follow the tutorial, install the Google client library for Python, run the following command:
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
After you've done, download the credential file and name it as credentials.json
Print help message.
$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-l LABEL] [-s STARTDATE] [-e ENDDATE]
gmail scrapper. All dates used in the search query are interpreted as midnight on that date in the PST
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LABEL, --label LABEL
target label id
The Start Date - format YYYY-MM-DD. e.g. 2022-01-01
-e ENDDATE, --enddate ENDDATE
The End Date format YYYY-MM-DD
Print all labels in your gmail account. Gmail API will ask you to log in a gmail account and give permission. After that, token.json
will be created automatically when the authorization flow completes.
$ python
Print all labels:
{'id': 'CHAT', 'name': 'CHAT', 'messageListVisibility': 'hide', 'labelListVisibility': 'labelHide', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'SENT', 'name': 'SENT', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'INBOX', 'name': 'INBOX', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'IMPORTANT', 'name': 'IMPORTANT', 'messageListVisibility': 'hide', 'labelListVisibility': 'labelHide', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'TRASH', 'name': 'TRASH', 'messageListVisibility': 'hide', 'labelListVisibility': 'labelHide', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'DRAFT', 'name': 'DRAFT', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'SPAM', 'name': 'SPAM', 'messageListVisibility': 'hide', 'labelListVisibility': 'labelHide', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'CATEGORY_FORUMS', 'name': 'CATEGORY_FORUMS', 'messageListVisibility': 'hide', 'labelListVisibility': 'labelHide', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'CATEGORY_UPDATES', 'name': 'CATEGORY_UPDATES', 'messageListVisibility': 'hide', 'labelListVisibility': 'labelHide', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'CATEGORY_PERSONAL', 'name': 'CATEGORY_PERSONAL', 'messageListVisibility': 'hide', 'labelListVisibility': 'labelHide', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS', 'name': 'CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS', 'messageListVisibility': 'hide', 'labelListVisibility': 'labelHide', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'CATEGORY_SOCIAL', 'name': 'CATEGORY_SOCIAL', 'messageListVisibility': 'hide', 'labelListVisibility': 'labelHide', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'STARRED', 'name': 'STARRED', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'UNREAD', 'name': 'UNREAD', 'type': 'system'}
{'id': 'Label_7090689821639516814', 'name': 'testLabel', 'type': 'user'}
Print messages in a label given the label id and the date range. Here, I choose the 'INBOX' label.
$ python -l INBOX -s 2021-11-20 -e 2022-01-01
Filter messages by date range: before: 2022/01/01 after: 2021/11/20
print messages info in label: INBOX
{'messages': [{'id': '17e124d392914484', 'threadId': '17e124d392914484'}, {'id': '17e086cade84f299', 'threadId': '17e086cade84f299'}, {'id': '17dff28a8e2a9ad2', 'threadId': '17dff28a8e2a9ad2'}, {'id': '17dfca8b8d591eb5', 'threadId': '17dfca8b8d591eb5'}, {'id': '17df7d34603cae8a', 'threadId': '17df7d34603cae8a'}, {'id': '17ded64af41efd50', 'threadId': '17ded64af41efd50'}, {'id': '17de40a1095b50f5', 'threadId': '17de40a1095b50f5'}, {'id': '17dddfd8ead14bee', 'threadId': '17dddfd8ead14bee'}, {'id': '17dd9e74af4fb8b2', 'threadId': '17dd9e74af4fb8b2'}, {'id': '17dd3e3098cd2e49', 'threadId': '17dd3e3098cd2e49'}, {'id': '17dcfaa0dab3b288', 'threadId': '17dcfaa0dab3b288'}, {'id': '17dc97cab7c5b45e', 'threadId': '17dc97cab7c5b45e'}, {'id': '17dc466740c73961', 'threadId': '17dc466740c73961'}, {'id': '17dc01504d9faa5d', 'threadId': '17dc01504d9faa5d'}, {'id': '17dbbdb5e12496a5', 'threadId': '17dbbdb5e12496a5'}, {'id': '17db4f8b084883c0', 'threadId': '17db4f8b084883c0'}, {'id': '17dafbabe49f20f8', 'threadId': '17dafbabe49f20f8'}, {'id': '17daf6cc33f853ce', 'threadId': '17daf6cc33f853ce'}, {'id': '17daa7acff368815', 'threadId': '17daa7acff368815'}, {'id': '17da64eb84c7abe6', 'threadId': '17da64eb84c7abe6'}, {'id': '17d9bb73dab5bb74', 'threadId': '17d9bb73dab5bb74'}, {'id': '17d9b27807f2c270', 'threadId': '17d9b27807f2c270'}, {'id': '17d96da56e30cfd1', 'threadId': '17d96da56e30cfd1'}, {'id': '17d8d4fcbd045871', 'threadId': '17d8d4fcbd045871'}, {'id': '17d833cb5c8d96f3', 'threadId': '17d833cb5c8d96f3'}, {'id': '17d7e1fae3dc52ab', 'threadId': '17d7e1fae3dc52ab'}, {'id': '17d77a1d4578fc6e', 'threadId': '17d77a1d4578fc6e'}, {'id': '17d5e6aa213dfc03', 'threadId': '17d5e6aa213dfc03'}, {'id': '17d58318680373f9', 'threadId': '17d58318680373f9'}, {'id': '17d5828ba23ef210', 'threadId': '17d5828ba23ef210'}, {'id': '17d4d9fb72346201', 'threadId': '17d4d9fb72346201'}], 'resultSizeEstimate': 31}
Dumping the messages and extracting urls in them...
Finished. Total messages count: 31
Dump messages to 2021-11-20 - 2022-01-01 label INBOX msgs.txt
Dump extracted urls to 2021-11-20 - 2022-01-01 label INBOX urls.txt
Here's how dumped urls file look like:
17d5828ba23ef210 extracted urls:,
17d4d9fb72346201 extracted urls:,,,,,
Total messages count: 31