Changes to the original EPL-Dissector done here have been merged into Wireshark 2.4.0 released on 2017-07-19.
This repository is out of date and is only kept for historical (i.e. git-log) purposes. Base your work off wireshark/epan/dissectors/packet-epl.c
See for the code review and subsequent patches to the code here.
Parses XDD/EDS files and uses extracted information to correctly label SDOs and PDOs. Depends on libxml2. Tested working with Wireshark v2.2.4.
git clone --recursive
instead. Build files for plugins expect to be ran out the wireshark source tree.
As the stock EPL dissector is already linked when the plugin DLL is loaded, one needs to manually disable it (Analyze ❯ Enabled Protocols
). When using libwireshark, one could call proto_disable_proto_by_name("epl")
before commencing dissection. To keep the dissectors apart, this one is called EPL+XDD with epl-xdd
as Wireshark protocol abbreviation.
Special thanks to Peter Wu (Lekensteyn).
The base dissector and any modification are licensed under the GNU GPL2.0+.