A collection of freely-available packet captures, device profiles and specification documents for Ethernet POWERLINK
├── README.md
├── pcaps # Packet captures
│ ├── 1CN-with-ObjectMapping-PDO.pcapng # PDOs set via SDO
│ ├── 1CN.pcapng # PDOs preprogrammed (OpenPOWERLINK)
│ ├── EPL_Example.cap # Testcase for official EPL dissector
│ └── epl_sdo_udp.cap # EPL over UDP
├── profiles # XDDs
│ └── 00000000_POWERLINK_CiA401_CN_1.xdc # For the 1CN capures
└── specs # Specification documents
└── EPSG_DS_301_V-1-3-0.pdf # Main Ethernet POWERLINK standard