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Edison Ponari

Edison Ponari edited this page Jun 9, 2022 · 46 revisions

Week 10

  • Megi Dema has finished the frontend part for the Professor pages and Edison Ponari is adding functionalities to them using PHP to the rest of the pages.
  • Klea Kota has finished the frontend part for the Student pages and Zenel Hila is adding functionalities to them using PHP to the rest of the pages.
  • Frenki Rucaj has finished the frontend part for the Administrator pages and Dhimiter Sinjari is adding functionalities to them using PHP to the rest of the pages.
  • Dhimiter Sinjari has defined the tasks of the project management diagrams.
  • Zenel Hila has created the network notation of the project management tasks.
  • Frenki Rucaj has created the Gantt chart based on the work of Zenel and Dhimiter.
  • Edison Ponari has created the Deployment diagram.
  • Megi Dema has created the Object diagrams.
  • Klea Kota has started to collect the documentation from this repository and create the final documentation.

Week 9

  • Megi Dema is doing the frontend part for the Professor pages and Edison Ponari is adding functionalities to them using PHP.
  • Klea Kota is doing the frontend part for the Student pages and Zenel Hila is adding functionalities to them using PHP.
  • Frenki Rucaj is doing the frontend part for the Administrator pages and Dhimiter Sinjari is adding functionalities to them using PHP.
  • Edison Ponari has done the Class Diagrams.
  • Zenel Hila has done the Collaboration Diagram.

Week 8

  • Megi Dema has done the Login Page and is dealing with the Professor welcoming page.
  • Klea Kota has done the Index Page and is dealing with the Student welcoming page.
  • Frenki Rucaj has done the Signup Page and is dealing with the Administrator welcoming page.
  • Edison Ponari has done the ERD refinement and has done the database queries for creating initial tables.
  • Dhimitri Sinjari has done the Login functionality using a controller file.
  • Zenel Hila has done the Signup functionality using a controller file.

Week 7

The tasks mentioned in week 6 have been fulfilled. For the next weeks we have setup these deadlines for the coding tasks:

27 may:

Frontend Tasks:

  • create index page(all courses).
  • create login page.
  • create signup page.
  • create professor landing page.
  • create student landing page.
  • create administator page.

Backend page:

  • refine ERD / create database tables.
  • create signup/login functionalities.

3 june:

Frontend Tasks:

-Create Student subpages.(main page: selectable courses, myCourses,coursePage(includes Q&a),submit homework) -Create Professor subpages.(myCourses, create course, manage course,create homework/material, Q&a) -Create Administator subpages.(approve courses, approve profiles) -Only 1 profile page.

Backend Tasks:

  • program index page(all courses).
  • program login page.
  • program signup page.
  • program professor landing page.
  • program student landing page.
  • program administator page.

10 june:

Frontend Tasks:

  • Redo tasks assigned previously to ensure quality.

Backend Tasks:

  • Program Student subpages.(main page: selectable courses, myCourses,coursePage(includes Q&a),submit homework)
  • Program Professor subpages.(myCourses, create course, manage course,create homework/material, Q&a)
  • Program Administator subpages.(approve courses, approve profiles)
  • Program only 1 profile page.

Week 6

This week, the group had finished all the given tasks. The next tasks will be done by dividing into two groups with 3 members each.

  • Dhimitri, Frenki, and Megi will do the DataFlow Diagram, level 2 since levels 0 and 1 were finished this week.
  • I, Klea, and Zenel will deal with the Sequence Diagram.

Since the midterms will take place next week, I gave more time for these tasks. Later, further discussions will take place and decide how the work is going.

Week 5

This week, the group continued with the upcoming duties. We were divided into three subgroups with two members each. The tasks are DataFlow Diagram, State Diagram, and Swimlane Diagrams.

  • Frenki and Megi are working with the DataFlow Diagrams, which are uploaded in the directory "DataFlow Diagrams(DFD)".
  • Dhimitri and Klea are working with the Swimlane Diagrams, which are uploaded in the directory "Swimlane Diagrams".
  • Me and Zenel are currently working with the State Diagrams, which are in the directory "State Diagrams".

It is expected that this week these diagrams will be finished. In the next meeting will be decided about the following tasks.

Week 4

This week, the group has finished user scenarios, use cases, use case tables, and non-functional requirements.

  • Klea and Frenki finished with the prototype this week. The images of the prototype are uploaded in the directory "Prototype" .
  • Dhimitri and Zenel have finished use case diagrams, use case tables, and user scenarios. Their work can be found in the directories "Use Case Diagrams" , "User Case Tables" , and "User Scenarios" .
  • I have dealt with the product requirements of the non-functional requirements.
  • Megi Dema did the organizational, external, and domain requirements. The link to the directory of Megi's and my work is "Non-Functional Requirments" .

Week 3

During this week, the group made progress in the requirements document, use cases diagrams, activity diagrams, ER diagrams, and prototype. After getting feedback during this week's meeting, I set up some deadlines for the tasks given to them this week.

  • Klea and Frenki were assigned the prototype based on sketches made by Megi using Proto.oi. The deadline for them is the end of the following week.
  • Dhimitri was assigned the ER diagram. The initial deadline will be the end of this week but this diagram will be reworked during development according to changes that may be decided later on.
  • Megi was assigned to take user stories from the clients, our professors in this case, and try to generate functional requirements from them. The deadline will be the end of this week.
  • Zenel was assigned the use case diagram using the functional requirements. The deadline for this task will be the end of this week.
  • I was assigned the activity diagrams using use case diagrams created by Zenel. The initial deadline will be this week while refinements will be made during the project according to decisions taken during development.

Week 2

This week our team assigned the roles and responsibilities that each member will have in the project.

The respective members for each role are:

  • Captain

    • Member: Edison Ponari
    • Responsibilities:
      • Defines concrete tasks that will be assigned to the responsible member.
      • Schedules weekly team meetings and the agenda for the meetings.
      • Contacts the instructor about the progress of the project and communicates the feedback given to the rest of the team.
  • Editor

    • Member: Dhimitri Sinjari
    • Responsibilities:
      • Records the ideas given, decisions made, and tasks assigned during weekly team meetings.
      • Takes care of correct expression of ideas and grammar errors.
  • Client Representative

    • Member: Megi Dëma
    • Responsibilities:
      • Coordinates meetings with customers.
      • Extracts requirements from customer stories.
      • Takes feedback from the customer about the project progression.
  • Tester

    • Members: Frenki Ruçaj, Zenel Hila
    • Responsibilities:
      • Creates test cases.
      • Checks the functional requirements (pages, functions of each user).
      • Checks the non-functional requirements (security, clarity, looks).
      • Gives feedback to the development team.
  • Researcher

    • Member: Klea Kota
    • Responsibilities:
      • Looks into the possible technologies that could solve problems the group could encounter along the way.
      • Takes into consideration the competencies of each team member when making a decision.
  • Repo master

    • Member: Edison Ponari
    • Responsibilities:
      • Helps every team member set up their GitHub accounts.
      • Organizes the files in the repository in a logical and practical way.
      • Takes care of problems members could face when pushing their work in the repository.
  • Optimist

    • Members: Frenki Ruçi, Klea Kota
    • Responsibilities:
      • Encourages the group.
      • Advocates for wanting changes and new features.
      • Looks at the rewards for the changes and added features.
  • Pessimist

    • Members: Dhimitri Sinjari, Zenel Hila
    • Responsibilities:
      • Challenges the ideas of the group.
      • Advocates for stability and security.
      • Looks at risks of changes purposed.
  • Analyst

    • Members: Edison Ponari, Megi Dëma
    • Responsibilities:
      • Analyzes the risk-reward factor for each change and feature added.
      • Communicates said analysis to the group to make decisions for the future of the project.
      • Gives feedback to the group for decisions to take/avoid.

For the clients, we decided that an appropriate group could be the ower professor. The client representative, Megi Dëma, will survey them and extract functional and non-functional requirements for ower application.

Week 1

Our team had the first meeting where we discussed our competencies and project ideas.

  • Edison Ponari
    • Ideas for the project:
      • Platform of online courses.
      • A freelance platform for portfolio sharing.
      • A product reviewing platform.
      • Resume creation website using templates and data of the user.
    • Technologies to be used:
      • HTML
      • CSS
      • Bootstrap
      • JavaScript
      • PHP
      • mySQL

Each member listed their own ideas and competencies.

  • Dhimitri Sinjari

    • Ideas for the project:

      • Videogame.
      • Issue Management System.
    • Technologies to be used:

      • mySQL
      • PHP
  • Frenki Ruçi

    • Ideas for the project:

      • Car Rental Management System.
      • Community Helping Website.
    • Technologies to be used:

      • HTML
      • CSS
      • JavaScript
  • Klea Kota

    • Ideas for the project:

      • Coffee Shop.
      • Library Management System.
      • Record Discs Shop.
    • Technologies to be used:

      • HTML
      • CSS
      • JavaScript
  • Megi Dëma

    • Ideas for the project:

      • Blood Donation Clinic
      • Music Record Store
      • Artwork Gallery
    • Technologies to be used:

      • HTML
      • CSS
      • JavaScript
  • Zenel Hila

    • Ideas for the project:

      • Hotel Rooms Booking
      • Rental Cars
      • Food Recommendation/Delivery
    • Technologies to be used:

      • PHP
      • mySQL
      • JavaScript
      • HTML/CSS