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EPrints Continuous Integration Environment

Instructions need to be upgraded to describe new way of running CI against EPrints 3.5.

EPrints Continuous Integration Environment is a framework for deploying automated testing of EPrints repositories. It is intended to allow changes to the EPrints codebase to be comprehensively tested to ensure they cause no unexpected side effects. The framework in built around Selenium IDE for building and running user acceptance tests and Jenkins for automating building, testing and evaluating EPrints. The instructions that follow have been tested on a CentOS 7 Linux operating system.

Deploying Configuration and SIDE Files

Run the bin/deploy_config_and_sides script as the eprints user on the server hosting the EPrints repository you want to test:

bin/deploy_config_and_sides /opt/eprints3/

Replace the first parameter with the path where EPrints is installed on your server and the second parameter with the base URL of your repository (no trailing '/' required).

Deploying Selenium Side Runner

These instructions are based on those required for RHEL/CentOS 7. It may be possible to install packages from standard package repositories if you are running later versions or different flavours of Linux.

  1. As root, Install packages needed to make NodeJS LTS RPM

    yum install -y gcc-c++ make

  2. Auto-generate NodeJS LTS RPM from

    curl -fsSL | bash -

  3. As root, now install nodejs RPM

    yum install -y nodejs

  4. As root, Use npm to install selenium-side-runner

    npm install -g selenium-side-runner

  5. As root, Use npm to install geckodriver

    npm install -g geckodriver --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

  6. As root, install Firefox and Xvfb to it can be run in headless mode

    yum install -y firefox xorg-x11-server-Xvfb

  7. Deploy the Systemd units cfg/xvfb-55.service and cfg/firefox-headless.service

    cp cfg/*.service /etc/systemd/system/
    systemctl enable xvfb-55
    systemctl start xvfb-55
    systemctl enable firefox-headless
    systemctl start firefox-headless
  8. Now you can run a Selenium SIDE file to run tests against EPrints:

    selenium-side-runner -c "browserName=firefox" sides/eprints.side

Making SIDE Templates from Working Copies

Run the bin/make_side_template script to write a deployed SIDE file as a template that can be committed back to version control:

bin/make_side_template sides/eprints.side

Replace the only parameter with the file path of the deployed SIDE file you want to write as a template.

Integrating with Jenkins

Installing EPrints

Before you can integrate with Jenkins you need to have an EPrints installation in place. This needs to be installed via GitHub following these instructions.

Create a new EPrints archive

Now EPrints is installed and your have created a new archive (for these instructions will be know as test_archive), you need to deploy the test data by running the testdata/bin/import_test_data script against your archive: testdata/bin/import_test_data test_archive

Installing Jenkins

Once installed you can then install Jenkins. Before creating your EPrints project and build pipeline you need to make a few system level configuration changes:

  1. Clone or move this Git repository to: /usr/local/share/eprints_ci and make sure all files are owned by eprints with group write permssions: chown -R eprints:eprints /usr/local/share/eprints_ci chmod -R g+w /usr/local/share/eprints_ci
  2. Ensure EPrints parent directory (i.e. /opt) is owned and belongs to the eprints group: chown epring:eprints /opt
  3. Copy cfg/eprints_ci_sudoers to /etc/sudoers.d/eprints_ci cp /usr/local/share/eprints_ci/cfg/eprints_ci_sudoers /etc/sudoers.d/eprints_ci
  4. Add the eprints user to the jenkins group and vice-versa usermod -a -G jenkins eprints usermod -a -G eprints jenkins

Building an EPrints archive template

Now you need to build the template for you generated archive. There are several steps to this:

  1. Ensure that there are no tasks in the EPrints event queue. If there are this may lead to tests producing on reliable results. If there are test outstanding. Make sure these have all run successfully and retry any failed tasks.
  2. Stop the EPrints indexer (as the eprints user) and webserver bin/indexer stop systemctl stop httpd
  3. Take a backup of the database to the templates/databases/ directory: mysqldump -u root test_archive > /usr/local/share/eprints_ci/templates/databases/test_archive.sql
  4. Move the archive to the templates/archives/ directory: mv archives/test_archive /usr/local/share/eprints_ci/templates/archives/
  5. Delete or move the EPrints directory (i.e. /opt/eprints3/) out of the way. (Jenkins will clone this from GitHub, each time a build is run).

Creating and configuring an EPrints project in Jenkins

Now you have an EPrints archive templates you have all the elements you need to create an EPrints project in Jenkins and configure a build pipeline.

  1. Click on New Item and add a new Freestyle project called eprints and click on OK.
  2. On the page that loads add a basic Description.
  3. Check the Discard old builds checkbox set the Strategy as Log Rotation and set the Max # of builds to 10.
  4. Under the Source Code Management section select Git and set the Repository URL to under Branches to build set the Branch Specifier to */master. You may want to change thiese later if you want to test your own fork/branch of EPrints.
  5. Under the Build Triggers you can choose what is most suitable for you. The easiest to configure is Build periodically. The following will run a build once a day at 8am: 0 8 * * * *
  6. Under the Build Environment section check the Delete workspace before build starts, Abort the build if it's stuck and Add timestamps to Console Output checkboxes. For the second of these set the Time-out strategy to Absolute and the Timeout minutes to 30.
  7. Under the Build section add an Execute shell stage. This stage is for restoring the EPrints archive template and requires the following commands. (If you wany yo test a zero Ensure you set the correct sed replacement for ARCHIVE_NAME and parameters for the restore_eprints_template script are set appropriately. (${WORKSPACE} should not be changed and this is a Jenkins environment variable): chmod -R g+w ${WORKSPACE} sudo /usr/bin/chown -R eprints:eprints ${WORKSPACE}/* mkdir ${WORKSPACE}/results cat /usr/local/share/eprints_ci/cfg/selenium.xhtml.tmpl | sed "s/ARCHIVE_NAME/EPrints/" > /usr/local/share/eprints_ci/cfg/selenium.xhtml sudo -u eprints /usr/local/share/eprints_ci/bin/restore_eprints_template test_archive ${WORKSPACE} eprints34_pub
  8. Add a second Execute shell stage under the Build section. This is stage is for running tests for an EPrints publications archive under the selenium-side-runner, using a headless version of Firefox. If you want to run tests against a zero archive then switch eprints34_pub.side for eprints34_zero.side. export DISPLAY=:55 cd ${WORKSPACE} selenium-side-runner --config-file=/usr/local/share/eprints_ci/cfg/side.yml --output-directory=results --output-format=junit /usr/local/share/eprints_ci/sides/eprints34_pub.side
  9. Under the Post-build Action add a Publish JUnit test result report stage and set the Test report XMLs to results/*.xml.
  10. You may also want to set up some notifications. Email is the easiest to set up by you could try Slack notifications.
  11. Finally click on Save and you will be taken back to the project's homepage and you can Build Now.


bin/ (scripts)

  • deploy_config_and_sides <EPRINTS_PATH> <EPRINTS_URL>

    • Generates runnable Selenium SIDE files from templates and deploys Selenium configuration web page to EPrints repository to load configuration variables into Selenium tests.
    • EPRINTS_PATH - The filesystem path of the EPrints repository to deploy Selenium configuration web page.
    • EPRINTS_URL - The base URL of the EPrints repository.
    • SELENIUM_PROJECT - The Selenium project (i.e. SIDE file without the .side) you want to deploy.
  • make_side_template <SIDE_FILEPATH>

    • Takes configured (i.e. base URL set) Selenium SIDE file and converts it into a template of itself.
    • SIDE_FILEPATH - The location of the Selenium SIDE file to be used to update its template equivalent.
  • restore_eprints_template <ARCHIVE> <LOCATION> <URL> <PROJECT>

    • Restores a backup template of archive files (code, configuration and documents) and database on the EPrints path. It is assumed that EPrints was originally installed in /opt/eprints3.
    • ARCHIVE - The ID of the archive to be restored from templates/ directory.
    • LOCATION - Where EPrints is installed by Jenkins during a build (typically /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/<PROJECT_NAME>).
    • URL - The URL from where the EPrints repository can be accessed in a web browser.
    • PROJECT - The Selenium project (i.e. SIDE file without the .side) you want to deploy.

cfg/ (configuration)

  • eprints_ci_sudoers
    • Contains sudoers configuration to allow scripts to run automatically.
    • Needs to be copied to /etc/sudoers.d/ before running deploy_config_and_sides or restore_eprints_template
  • firefox-headless.service
    • Systemd unit for running Firefox in headless mode
  • get_user_pin
    • CGI script for getting pin that would be sent in user account activation email.
  • selenium.xhtml.tmpl
    • Contains configurable options for Selenium tests.
    • Needs to be copied to selenium.xhtml and any modifications made to that file before running deploy_config_and_sides
  • test.pdf
    • A PDF to upload from a URL for testing purposes.
  • side.yml.tmpl
    • Contains configuration settings for running SIDE files with selenium-side-runner.
    • Should be copied to side.yml before making any modifications.
  • xvfb-55.service
    • Systemd unit for running Xvfb on DISPLAY=:55


This directory will initially contain no files as the bin/deploy_config_and_sides needs to be run to convert the template SIDE files in the templates/ sub-directory into this directory.


  • dummy.side.tmpl - Single dummy test for an EPrints repository. Useful for checking that CI environment can handle Selenium test results.
  • eprints34_pub.side.tmpl - All tests for a publication flavour EPrints repository.
  • eprints34_zero.side.tmpl - All tests for a no flavour (zero) EPrints repository.
  • test.yml Like the dummy test but intended as a scratchpad for debugging issues, (e.g. different behaviours between Selenium IDE on FireFox and the Selenium Side Runner.


This directory contains templates, effectively backups of EPrints archives that can be restored using the restore_eprints_template script. This directory contains two (initially empty) separate directories:

  • databases/ - MySQL dumps of EPrints archives.
  • archives/ - archive sub-directory that would have been installed under EPrints' archives/ directory.