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add simple PR eos impl. and refactor some thermo related code
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kjbrak committed Mar 7, 2025
1 parent fc59bec commit e08f380
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394 changes: 394 additions & 0 deletions src/libecalc/domain/process/core/stream/
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Peng-Robinson Equation of State (EOS) module for K-value calculations.
This module implements the Peng-Robinson EOS for calculating K-values
in multicomponent natural gas systems, to be used in PT flash calculations.

import math

import numpy as np

from libecalc.common.logger import logger
from import ThermodynamicConstants

# Universal gas constant in [bar·L/(mol·K)] - convert from J/(mol·K)
R = ThermodynamicConstants.R_J_PER_MOL_K / 100 # J/(mol·K) to bar·L/(mol·K)

def binary_interaction_parameter(comp_i: str, comp_j: str, T: float) -> float:
Estimate the binary interaction parameter (k_ij) using generalized corresponding-states correlations.
Different correlations are applied based on component pairs:
- For CO2/HC pairs: k_ij = c + d * T_r
- For other pairs: simple estimation or default value
comp_i: First component name
comp_j: Second component name
T: Temperature in K
Binary interaction parameter (dimensionless)
# CO2 with hydrocarbon correlation
if (comp_i == "CO2" and comp_j in ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES and comp_j != "CO2") or (
comp_j == "CO2" and comp_i in ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES and comp_i != "CO2"
hydrocarbon = comp_i if comp_i != "CO2" else comp_j
omega = ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES[hydrocarbon]["omega"]
Tc_hc = ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES[hydrocarbon]["Tc"]
T_r = T / Tc_hc
c = -0.6910 * omega**2 + 0.4373 * omega - 0.02426
d = 0.09731
return c + d * T_r

# N2 with hydrocarbon correlation
if (comp_i == "nitrogen" and comp_j in ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES and comp_j != "nitrogen") or (
comp_j == "nitrogen" and comp_i in ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES and comp_i != "nitrogen"
# Simplified correlation for N2/hydrocarbon
return 0.1

# Water with hydrocarbon correlation
if (comp_i == "water" and comp_j in ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES and comp_j != "water") or (
comp_j == "water" and comp_i in ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES and comp_i != "water"
# Typical values for water/hydrocarbon
return 0.5

# Default value for other component pairs
return 0.0

def pure_component_params(component: str, T: float) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
Calculate pure-component parameters for Peng-Robinson EOS.
component: Component name
T: Temperature in K
Tuple of (a_i * alpha_i, b_i, kappa)
if component not in ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES:
raise ValueError(f"Component {component} not found in critical properties database")

props = ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES[component]
Tc = props["Tc"]
Pc = props["Pc"] # bar
omega = props["omega"]

# Calculate PR EOS parameters
a_i = 0.45724 * R**2 * Tc**2 / Pc
b_i = 0.07780 * R * Tc / Pc

# Calculate kappa based on acentric factor
kappa = 0.37464 + 1.54226 * omega - 0.26992 * omega**2

# Calculate temperature-dependent alpha factor
alpha_i = (1 + kappa * (1 - math.sqrt(T / Tc))) ** 2

return a_i * alpha_i, b_i, kappa

def mixture_parameters(composition: dict[str, float], T: float) -> tuple[float, float, list[float], list[float]]:
Compute mixture parameters a_mix and b_mix using quadratic mixing rules.
composition: Dictionary of component names and mole fractions
T: Temperature in K
Tuple of (a_mix, b_mix, list of a_i*alpha_i values, list of b_i values)
components = list(composition.keys())
a_values = []
b_values = []

# Calculate pure component parameters
for comp in components:
if composition[comp] > 0:
a_i_alpha, b_i, _ = pure_component_params(comp, T)
# Skip components with zero composition

# Calculate mixture parameters using mixing rules
a_mix = 0.0
for i, comp_i in enumerate(components):
for j, comp_j in enumerate(components):
if composition[comp_i] > 0 and composition[comp_j] > 0:
kij = binary_interaction_parameter(comp_i, comp_j, T)
a_mix += composition[comp_i] * composition[comp_j] * math.sqrt(a_values[i] * a_values[j]) * (1 - kij)

# Linear mixing rule for b
b_mix = sum(composition[comp] * b_values[i] for i, comp in enumerate(components))

return a_mix, b_mix, a_values, b_values

def solve_cubic_PR(A: float, B: float) -> list[float]:
Solve the Peng-Robinson cubic equation in Z:
Z^3 - (1-B)*Z^2 + (A-3B^2-2B)*Z - (AB-B^2-B^3) = 0
A: Dimensionless parameter A = a*P/(R^2*T^2)
B: Dimensionless parameter B = b*P/(R*T)
List of real roots (compressibility factors)
coeffs = [1.0, -(1 - B), (A - 3 * B**2 - 2 * B), -(A * B - B**2 - B**3)]

# Solve cubic equation
roots = np.roots(coeffs)

# Filter real roots
real_roots = []
for root in roots:
if abs(root.imag) < 1e-10:
# Only consider physically meaningful roots (Z > 0)
if root.real > 0:

return real_roots

def calculate_Z_factors(A: float, B: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
Calculate compressibility factors (Z) for vapor and liquid phases.
A: Dimensionless parameter A = a*P/(R^2*T^2)
B: Dimensionless parameter B = b*P/(R*T)
Tuple of (Z_vapor, Z_liquid)
roots = solve_cubic_PR(A, B)

# If we find three real roots, we have both liquid and vapor phases
if len(roots) == 3:
# Sort roots - smallest is liquid, largest is vapor
Z_liquid = roots[0]
Z_vapor = roots[2]
return Z_vapor, Z_liquid

# If we find one root, it's either all liquid or all vapor
elif len(roots) == 1:
# Determine phase based on compressibility factor
Z = roots[0]
if Z < 0.3: # Empirical threshold
# Likely liquid phase
return Z + 0.5, Z # Create artificial separation
# Likely vapor phase
return Z, max(0.2, Z - 0.3) # Create artificial separation

# For two roots or other cases, make a reasonable estimate
elif len(roots) == 2:
return roots[1], roots[0] # Larger root is vapor, smaller is liquid

# Default values if no valid roots are found
logger.warning("No valid roots found for Peng-Robinson EOS. Returning default values.")
return 0.9, 0.2 # Default values for vapor and liquid

def fugacity_coefficient(
component_index: int,
components: list[str],
composition: dict[str, float],
T: float,
P: float,
Z: float,
a_mix: float,
b_mix: float,
a_values: list[float],
b_values: list[float],
) -> float:
Calculate the fugacity coefficient for a component using Peng-Robinson EOS.
component_index: Index of the component in the components list
components: List of component names
composition: Dictionary of component names and mole fractions
T: Temperature in K
P: Pressure in bar
Z: Compressibility factor
a_mix: Mixture parameter a
b_mix: Mixture parameter b
a_values: List of a_i*alpha_i values
b_values: List of b_i values
Fugacity coefficient (dimensionless)
component = components[component_index]
bi = b_values[component_index]

# Calculate dimensionless parameters
A_mix = a_mix * P / (R**2 * T**2)
B_mix = b_mix * P / (R * T)

# Calculate fugacity coefficient
term1 = (bi / b_mix) * (Z - 1)

# Handle potential math domain error
if Z <= B_mix:
# Apply a small adjustment to avoid log(negative) or log(0)
term2 = -math.log(max(Z - B_mix, 1e-10))
term2 = -math.log(Z - B_mix)

# Calculate the summation term
summation = 0.0
for j, comp_j in enumerate(components):
if composition[comp_j] > 0:
kij = binary_interaction_parameter(component, comp_j, T)
a_ij = math.sqrt(a_values[component_index] * a_values[j]) * (1 - kij)
summation += composition[comp_j] * a_ij

# Handle potential division by zero
if abs(B_mix) < 1e-10:
term3 = 0.0
# Complete the equation with safety checks
term3 = -(A_mix / (2 * math.sqrt(2) * B_mix)) * ((2 * summation / a_mix) - (bi / b_mix))

# Handle potential math domain error
denom1 = Z + (1 + math.sqrt(2)) * B_mix
denom2 = Z + (1 - math.sqrt(2)) * B_mix

# Ensure denominators aren't zero or negative
if denom1 <= 0 or denom2 <= 0:
term4 = 0.0
term4 = math.log(denom1 / denom2)

ln_phi = term1 + term2 + term3 * term4

# Ensure the result is finite and reasonable
if not math.isfinite(ln_phi):
# Return a reasonable default value
return 1.0

return math.exp(ln_phi)

except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError, OverflowError):
# If calculation fails, return a reasonable default
return 1.0

def is_supercritical(composition: dict[str, float], T: float, P: float) -> bool:
Determine if the mixture is likely in the supercritical region.
This is a simplified estimation based on reduced temperature and pressure.
For a rigorous approach, we would need to calculate the critical point of the mixture.
composition: Dictionary of component names and mole fractions
T: Temperature in K
P: Pressure in bar
True if the mixture is likely supercritical, False otherwise
# Calculate pseudo-critical properties
Tc_mix = 0.0
Pc_mix = 0.0
total_fraction = 0.0

for comp, fraction in composition.items():
if comp in ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES and fraction > 0:
Tc_mix += fraction * ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES[comp]["Tc"]
Pc_mix += fraction * ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES[comp]["Pc"]
total_fraction += fraction

if total_fraction > 0:
Tc_mix /= total_fraction
Pc_mix /= total_fraction
# Default to methane if no valid components
Tc_mix = ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES["methane"]["Tc"]
Pc_mix = ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES["methane"]["Pc"]

# Calculate reduced properties
Tr = T / Tc_mix
Pr = P / Pc_mix

# Check if we're likely in the supercritical region
return Tr > 1.0 and Pr > 1.0

def calculate_K_values_PR(composition: dict[str, float], T: float, P: float) -> dict[str, float]:
Calculate K-values for a multicomponent system using Peng-Robinson EOS.
K_i = phi_i^L / phi_i^V, where phi_i is the fugacity coefficient
composition: Dictionary of component names and mole fractions
T: Temperature in K
P: Pressure in bar
Dictionary of component names and K-values
# Filter out components with zero composition
valid_composition = {
comp: frac
for comp, frac in composition.items()
if frac > 0 and comp in ThermodynamicConstants.CRITICAL_PROPERTIES

# Check if we have any valid components
if not valid_composition:
return {}

# Get list of components
components = list(valid_composition.keys())

# Calculate mixture parameters
a_mix, b_mix, a_values, b_values = mixture_parameters(valid_composition, T)

# Calculate dimensionless parameters
A_mix = a_mix * P / (R**2 * T**2)
B_mix = b_mix * P / (R * T)

# Calculate Z factors for vapor and liquid phases
Z_vapor, Z_liquid = calculate_Z_factors(A_mix, B_mix)

# Calculate fugacity coefficients
phi_vapor = {}
phi_liquid = {}

for i, comp in enumerate(components):
phi_vapor[comp] = fugacity_coefficient(
i, components, valid_composition, T, P, Z_vapor, a_mix, b_mix, a_values, b_values
phi_liquid[comp] = fugacity_coefficient(
i, components, valid_composition, T, P, Z_liquid, a_mix, b_mix, a_values, b_values

# Calculate K-values directly
k_values = {}
for comp in components:
if phi_vapor[comp] > 0:
k_values[comp] = phi_liquid[comp] / phi_vapor[comp]
k_values[comp] = 1.0 # Fallback for division by zero

return k_values

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