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tommyod committed Jan 5, 2024
1 parent c442d93 commit 86121b2
Showing 1 changed file with 103 additions and 178 deletions.
281 changes: 103 additions & 178 deletions src/iterative_ensemble_smoother/
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from iterative_ensemble_smoother.utils import sample_mvnormal

class LassoESMDA(BaseESMDA):
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LassoCV
from sklearn.linear_model import MultiTaskLassoCV

def linear_l1_regression(X, Y):
Performs LASSO regression for each response in Y against predictors in U,
constructing a sparse matrix of regression coefficients.
The function scales features in U using standard scaling before applying
LASSO, then re-scales the coefficients to the original scale of U. This
extracts the effect of each feature in U on each response in Y, ignoring
intercepts and constant terms.
U : np.ndarray
2D array of predictors with shape (num_variables, ensemble_size).
Y : np.ndarray
2D array of responses with shape (num_variables, ensemble_size).
>>> K = np.array([[-0.2, -0.9],
... [-1.5, 0.2],
... [-0.2, 0.1],
... [ 0.8, -0.4]])
>>> X = np.array([[ 0.8, 2. , -0.8],
... [ 0.4, 1.7, -0.3]])
>>> Y = K @ X
>>> K_est = linear_l1_regression(X, Y)
>>> np.allclose(K, K_est, atol=0.005)

# The goal is to solve K @ X = Y for K, or equivalently X.T @ K.T = Y.T
num_parameters, ensemble_size1 = X.shape
num_observations, ensemble_size2 = Y.shape

assert ensemble_size1 == ensemble_size2, "Number of cols in X and Y must be equal"

# Scale to unit standard deviation. We do this because of numerics in Lasso
stds_X = np.std(X, axis=1)
stds_Y = np.std(Y, axis=1)
X = X / stds_X[:, np.newaxis]
Y = Y / stds_Y[:, np.newaxis]

# Loop over features
coefs = []
cv = min(5, ensemble_size1)
alphas = np.logspace(-8, 8, num=17)
for j in range(num_observations):
y_j = Y[j, :]

# Learn individual regularization and fit
model_cv = LassoCV(alphas=alphas, fit_intercept=False, max_iter=10_000, cv=cv), y_j) # model_cv.alpha_

# Alphas for the next iteration
# alpha = model_cv.alpha_ * 0.5 * alphas[len(alphas)//2] * 0.5
# alphas = np.logspace(-2, 2, num=5) * model_cv.alpha_

# Scale back the coefficients
coef_scale = stds_Y[j] / stds_X
coefs.append(model_cv.coef_ * coef_scale)

K = np.vstack(coefs)
assert K.shape == (num_observations, num_parameters)
return K

# =======================================================

# Alternative computation using MultiTaskLasso

# Create a lasso model
lasso = MultiTaskLassoCV(fit_intercept=False, cv=cv), Y.T)

# Get the matrix K
K = lasso.coef_
assert K.shape == (num_observations, num_parameters)

K = K / stds_X[np.newaxis, :]
K = K * stds_Y[:, np.newaxis]

return K

class LassoES(BaseESMDA):
Implement an Ensemble Smoother with Multiple Data Assimilation (ES-MDA).
Expand All @@ -40,119 +132,30 @@ class LassoESMDA(BaseESMDA):
observations : np.ndarray
1D array of shape (num_observations,) representing real-world observations.
This is d_obs in Emerick (2013).
alpha : int or 1D np.ndarray, optional
Multiplicative factor for the covariance.
If an integer `alpha` is given, an array with length `alpha` and
elements `alpha` is constructed. If an 1D array is given, it is
normalized so sum_i 1/alpha_i = 1 and used. The default is 5, which
corresponds to np.array([5, 5, 5, 5, 5]).
seed : integer or numpy.random._generator.Generator, optional
A seed or numpy.random._generator.Generator used for random number
generation. The argument is passed to numpy.random.default_rng().
The default is None.
inversion : str, optional
Which inversion method to use. The default is "exact".
See the dictionary ESMDA._inversion_methods for more information.
>>> covariance = np.diag([1, 1, 1])
>>> observations = np.array([1, 2, 3])
>>> esmda = ESMDA(covariance, observations)

# Available inversion methods. The inversion methods all compute
# C_MD @ (C_DD + alpha * C_D)^(-1) @ (D - Y)
_inversion_methods = {
"exact": inversion_exact_cholesky,
"subspace": inversion_subspace,

def __init__(
covariance: npt.NDArray[np.double],
observations: npt.NDArray[np.double],
alpha: Union[int, npt.NDArray[np.double]] = 5,
seed: Union[np.random._generator.Generator, int, None] = None,
inversion: str = "exact",
) -> None:
"""Initialize the instance."""

super().__init__(covariance=covariance, observations=observations, seed=seed)

if not (
(isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray) and alpha.ndim == 1)
or isinstance(alpha, numbers.Integral)
raise TypeError("Argument `alpha` must be an integer or a 1D NumPy array.")

if not isinstance(inversion, str):
raise TypeError(
"Argument `inversion` must be a string in "
f"{tuple(self._inversion_methods.keys())}, but got {inversion}"
if inversion not in self._inversion_methods.keys():
raise ValueError(
"Argument `inversion` must be a string in "
f"{tuple(self._inversion_methods.keys())}, but got {inversion}"

# Store data
self.inversion = inversion

# Alpha can either be an integer (num iterations) or a list of weights
if isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray) and alpha.ndim == 1:
self.alpha = normalize_alpha(alpha)
elif isinstance(alpha, numbers.Integral):
self.alpha = normalize_alpha(np.ones(alpha))
assert np.allclose(self.alpha, normalize_alpha(self.alpha))
raise TypeError("Alpha must be integer or 1D array.")

def num_assimilations(self) -> int:
return len(self.alpha)

def assimilate(
X: npt.NDArray[np.double],
Y: npt.NDArray[np.double],
overwrite: bool = False,
truncation: float = 1.0,
alpha: float = 1.0,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.double]:
"""Assimilate data and return an updated ensemble X_posterior.
X_posterior = smoother.assimilate(X, Y)
X : np.ndarray
A 2D array of shape (num_parameters, ensemble_size). Each row
corresponds to a parameter in the model, and each column corresponds
to an ensemble member (realization).
Y : np.ndarray
2D array of shape (num_observations, ensemble_size), containing
responses when evaluating the model at X. In other words, Y = g(X),
where g is the forward model.
overwrite : bool
If True, then arguments X and Y may be overwritten and mutated.
If False, then the method will not mutate inputs in any way.
Setting this to True might save memory.
truncation : float
How large a fraction of the singular values to keep in the inversion
routine. Must be a float in the range (0, 1]. A lower number means
a more approximate answer and a slightly faster computation.
X_posterior : np.ndarray
2D array of shape (num_parameters, ensemble_size).
if self.iteration >= self.num_assimilations():
raise Exception("No more assimilation steps to run.")

# Verify shapes
_, num_ensemble = X.shape
num_outputs, num_emsemble2 = Y.shape
Expand All @@ -164,96 +167,18 @@ def assimilate(
if not np.issubdtype(Y.dtype, np.floating):
raise TypeError("Argument `Y` must contain floats")

assert 0 < truncation <= 1.0

# Do not overwrite input arguments
if not overwrite:
X, Y = np.copy(X), np.copy(Y)

# Line 2 (b) in the description of ES-MDA in the 2013 Emerick paper

# Draw samples from zero-centered multivariate normal with cov=alpha * C_D,
# and add them to the observations. Notice that
# if C_D = L L.T by the cholesky factorization, then drawing y from
# a zero cented normal means that y := L @ z, where z ~ norm(0, 1)
# Therefore, scaling C_D by alpha is equivalent to scaling L with sqrt(alpha)
D = self.perturb_observations(
ensemble_size=num_ensemble, alpha=self.alpha[self.iteration]
assert D.shape == (num_outputs, num_ensemble)

# Line 2 (c) in the description of ES-MDA in the 2013 Emerick paper
# Choose inversion method, e.g. 'exact'. The inversion method computes
# C_MD @ sp.linalg.inv(C_DD + C_D_alpha) @ (D - Y)
inversion_func = self._inversion_methods[self.inversion]

# Update and return
X += inversion_func(
# Center X and Y
X_center = X - np.mean(X, axis=1, keepdims=True)
Y_center = Y - np.mean(Y, axis=1, keepdims=True)
Y_noise = np.sqrt(alpha) * sample_mvnormal(
C_dd_cholesky=self.C_D_L, rng=self.rng, size=num_ensemble

self.iteration += 1
return X
# Compute regularized Kalman gain matrix
K = linear_l1_regression(X=Y_center + Y_noise, Y=X_center)

def compute_transition_matrix(
Y: npt.NDArray[np.double],
alpha: float,
truncation: float = 1.0,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.double]:
"""Return a matrix T such that X_posterior = X_prior + X_prior @ T.
The purpose of this method is to facilitate row-by-row, or batch-by-batch,
updates of X. This is useful if X is too large to fit in memory.
Y : np.ndarray
2D array of shape (num_observations, ensemble_size), containing
responses when evaluating the model at X. In other words, Y = g(X),
where g is the forward model.
alpha : float
The covariance inflation factor. The sequence of alphas should
obey the equation sum_i (1/alpha_i) = 1. However, this is NOT enforced
in this method call. The user/caller is responsible for this.
truncation : float
How large a fraction of the singular values to keep in the inversion
routine. Must be a float in the range (0, 1]. A lower number means
a more approximate answer and a slightly faster computation.
T : np.ndarray
A matrix T such that X_posterior = X_prior + X_prior @ T.
It has shape (num_ensemble_members, num_ensemble_members).

# Recall the update equation:
# X += C_MD @ (C_DD + alpha * C_D)^(-1) @ (D - Y)
# X += X @ center(Y).T / (N-1) @ (C_DD + alpha * C_D)^(-1) @ (D - Y)
# We form T := center(Y).T / (N-1) @ (C_DD + alpha * C_D)^(-1) @ (D - Y),
# so that
# X_new = X_old + X_old @ T
# or
# X += X @ T

D = self.perturb_observations(ensemble_size=Y.shape[1], alpha=alpha)
inversion_func = self._inversion_methods[self.inversion]
return inversion_func(
X=None, # We don't need X to compute the factor T
return_T=True, # Ensures that we don't need X
D = self.perturb_observations(ensemble_size=num_ensemble, alpha=alpha)
return X + K @ (D - Y)

if __name__ == "__main__":
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