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Added option to specify GEN_OBS nodes in the form nodename:index
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This makes it possible to specify individual observations from an GEN_OBS node
in localisation.
Add tests to verify active param and active obs in ministeps
Updated integration tests with consistency check for active obs and param
Fix time and date format in testdata
Updated documentation of localisation using individual observations from GEN_OBS nodes.
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oddvarlia committed May 6, 2022
1 parent ae4656e commit 105c6f3
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Showing 427 changed files with 1,074 additions and 66 deletions.
78 changes: 70 additions & 8 deletions semeio/workflows/localisation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
from ert_shared.libres_facade import LibresFacade
from ert_shared.plugins.plugin_manager import hook_implementation

import semeio.workflows.localisation.local_script_lib as local
from semeio.communication import SemeioScript
from semeio.workflows.localisation.localisation_config import LocalisationConfig
from semeio.workflows.localisation.localisation_config import (

class LocalisationConfigJob(SemeioScript):
def run(self, *args):
ert = self.ert()
facade = LibresFacade(self.ert())

# Clear all correlations

# Read yml file with specifications
config_dict = local.read_localisation_config(args)

# Get all observations from ert instance
obs_keys = [
for nr, _ in enumerate(facade.get_observations())
expand_gen_obs_max_size = get_max_gen_obs_size_for_expansion(config_dict)
obs_keys = local.get_obs_from_ert(ert, expand_gen_obs_max_size)

ert_parameters = local.get_param_from_ert(ert.ensembleConfig())

Expand All @@ -35,6 +34,7 @@ def run(self, *args):

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,6 +195,51 @@ def run(self, *args):
scalingfactors: [1.0, 0.5, 0.3]
smooth_ranges: [2,3]
Example 2:
In this example the optional keyword **max_gen_obs_size** is specified.
The value 1000 means that all observation nodes of type GEN_OBS having less
than 1000 observations are specified in the form::
where **index** is an integer from 0 to 999.
All GEN_OBS nodes with more than 1000 observations
are specified in the form nodename only. The reason not to enable to specify
individual observations from GEN_OBS of any size is performance e.g. when
GEN_OBS nodes of seismic data is used.
The first example below (2A) specifies all observations by::
The second example (2B) has selected a few observations from the
Example 2A::
max_gen_obs_size: 1000
- name: CORR1
add: ["GENOBS_NODE:*"]
add: ["PARAM_NODE:*"]
Example 2B::
max_gen_obs_size: 100
- name: CORR1
add: ["PARAM_NODE:*"]
Expand All @@ -212,6 +257,16 @@ def run(self, *args):
and make it possible to visualise them. Is only relevant when using
**field_scale** with methods calculating the scaling factors.
Specify the max size of GEN_OBS type of observation nodes that
can specify individual observations. Individual observations are specified
by nodename:index where index is the observation number in the
observation file associated with the GEN_OBS type node.
The keyword is optional. If not specified or specified with value 0,
this means that observations of type GEN_OBS is specified by
nodename only. Individual observations can not be specified in this case
which means that all observations in the GEN_OBS node is used.
List of specifications of correlation groups. A correlation group
specify a set of observations and a set of model parameters.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,6 +351,13 @@ def run(self, *args):
The nodename represents all field values for all grid cells in the whole
3D or 2D grid the field belongs to.
For observations specified with GENERAL_OBSERVATION keyword in ERT config file,
it is possible to specify the observations by either *node_name*
or *node_name:index*. Default is to specify by *node_name* only which means
to include all observation from this ERT identifier.
The alternative option is to use the keyword **max_gen_obs_size**
described above and specify individual observations by *node_name:index*.
For details see the keyword **add:**. The main purpose of **remove** is to
have a quick and easy way to specify all parameters or observations
Expand Down
85 changes: 69 additions & 16 deletions semeio/workflows/localisation/
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# pylint: disable=W0201
# pylint: disable=C0302
import math
import yaml
import cwrap
Expand All @@ -15,13 +16,16 @@
from ecl.eclfile import Ecl3DKW
from ecl.ecl_type import EclDataType
from ecl.grid.ecl_grid import EclGrid

from res.enkf.enums.ert_impl_type_enum import ErtImplType
from res.enkf.enums.enkf_var_type_enum import EnkfVarType
from res.enkf import EnkfObservationImplementationType

from semeio.workflows.localisation.localisation_debug_settings import (
from ert_shared.libres_facade import LibresFacade

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,14 +174,14 @@ def active_index_for_parameter(node_name, param_name, ert_param_dict):

def activate_gen_kw_param(
model_param_group, node_name, param_list, ert_param_dict, log_level=LogLevel.OFF
ministep, node_name, param_list, ert_param_dict, log_level=LogLevel.OFF
Activate the selected parameters for the specified node.
The param_list contains the list of parameters defined in GEN_KW
for this node to be activated.
active_param_list = model_param_group.getActiveList(node_name)
active_param_list = ministep.getActiveList(node_name)
debug_print("Set active parameters", LogLevel.LEVEL2, log_level)
for param_name in param_list:
index = active_index_for_parameter(node_name, param_name, ert_param_dict)
Expand All @@ -191,15 +195,15 @@ def activate_gen_kw_param(

def activate_gen_param(
model_param_group, node_name, param_list, data_size, log_level=LogLevel.OFF
ministep, node_name, param_list, data_size, log_level=LogLevel.OFF
Activate the selected parameters for the specified node.
The param_list contains a list of names that are integer numbers
for the parameter indices to be activated for parameters belonging
to the specified GEN_PARAM node.
active_param_list = model_param_group.getActiveList(node_name)
active_param_list = ministep.getActiveList(node_name)
for param_name in param_list:
index = int(param_name)
if index < 0 or index >= data_size:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -564,6 +568,7 @@ def add_ministeps(
# pylint: disable-msg=too-many-branches
Expand All @@ -579,17 +584,17 @@ def add_ministeps(

for count, corr_spec in enumerate(user_config.correlations):

ministep_name =
ministep = ert_local_config.createMinistep(ministep_name)
f"Define ministep: {ministep_name}", LogLevel.LEVEL1, user_config.log_level

param_group_name = ministep_name + "_param_group"
obs_group_name = ministep_name + "_obs_group"
obs_group = ert_local_config.createObsdata(obs_group_name)

obs_list = corr_spec.obs_group.result_items
obs_dict = Parameters.from_list(corr_spec.obs_group.result_items).to_dict()
param_dict = Parameters.from_list(corr_spec.param_group.result_items).to_dict()

# Setup model parameter group
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -780,20 +785,40 @@ def add_ministeps(

# Setup observation group
for obs_name in obs_list:
# Setup observation group. For GEN_OBS type
# the observation specification can be of the form obs_node_name:index
# if individual observations from a GEN_OBS node is chosen or
# only obs_node_name if all observations in GEN_OBS is active.
obs_type = EnkfObservationImplementationType.GEN_OBS
key_list_gen_obs = ert_obs.getTypedKeylist(obs_type)
for obs_node_name, obs_index_list in obs_dict.items():
f"Add obs node: {obs_name}", LogLevel.LEVEL2, user_config.log_level
f"Add obs node: {obs_node_name}", LogLevel.LEVEL2, user_config.log_level
if obs_node_name in key_list_gen_obs:
# An observation node of type GEN_OBS
if len(obs_index_list) > 0:
active_obs_list = obs_group.getActiveList(obs_node_name)
if len(obs_index_list) > 50:
f"More than 50 active obs for {obs_node_name}",

# Setup ministep
f"Attach {param_group_name} to ministep {ministep_name}",
for string_index in obs_index_list:
index = int(string_index)
if len(obs_index_list) <= 50:
f"Active obs for {obs_node_name} index: {index}",


# Setup ministep
f"Attach {obs_group_name} to ministep {ministep_name}",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -973,3 +998,31 @@ def write_qc_parameter(
grid.write_grdecl(scaling_kw, file)
# Increase parameter number to define unique parameter name
cls.scaling_param_number = cls.scaling_param_number + 1

def get_obs_from_ert(ert, expand_gen_obs_max_size):
facade = LibresFacade(ert)
ert_obs = facade.get_observations()
obs_keys = []
if expand_gen_obs_max_size == 0:
obs_keys = [facade.get_observation_key(nr) for nr, _ in enumerate(ert_obs)]
return obs_keys

for nr, _ in enumerate(ert_obs):
key = facade.get_observation_key(nr)
impl_type = facade.get_impl_type_name_for_obs_key(key)
if impl_type == "GEN_OBS":
obs_vector = ert_obs[key]
timestep = obs_vector.activeStep()
obs_node = obs_vector.getNode(timestep)
data_size = obs_node.getSize()
if data_size <= expand_gen_obs_max_size:
obs_key_with_index_list = [
key + ":" + str(item) for item in range(data_size)
return obs_keys
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions semeio/workflows/localisation/
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Expand Up @@ -355,6 +355,28 @@ def validate_surface_scale(cls, value):

class MaxGenObsSize(PydanticBaseModel):
max_gen_obs_size: Integer >=0. Default: 0
If it is > 0, it defines that all GEN_OBS observations is
expanded into the form nodename:index. The user
must specify GEN_OBS type observations in
the form nodename:index or nodename:* if
all observations for a GEN_OBS node is used.
The max_gen_obs_size value is a threshold value.
If a GEN_OBS node has more observations than
max_gen_obs_size specified by the user,
the obs node is not expanded and the
user also must specify the obs node only by its
nodename, not in expanded form. Typical use of this is
to let nodes containing moderate number of observations
be expanded, while nodes having large number of
observations are not expanded.

max_gen_obs_size: Optional[conint(ge=0)] = 0

class LocalisationConfig(BaseModel):
observations: A list of observations from ERT in format nodename
Expand All @@ -367,13 +389,23 @@ class LocalisationConfig(BaseModel):
log_level: Integer defining how much log output to write to screen
write_scaling_factors: Turn on writing calculated scaling parameters to file.
Possible values: True/False. Default: False
max_gen_obs_size: Integer defining max size for a GEN_OBS node to
be expanded in the form nodename:index.
If the observation node of type GEN_OBS has more
observations than this number, it can only be specified with
node name which then represents the whole set of
observations for the node.
Possible values: Integers >= 0
Default: 0 which means that GEN_OBS nodes are specified
with node name only.

observations: List[str]
parameters: List[str]
correlations: List[CorrelationConfig]
log_level: Optional[conint(ge=0, le=5)] = 1
write_scaling_factors: Optional[bool] = False
max_gen_obs_size: Optional[conint(ge=0)] = 0

def validate_log_level(cls, level):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,3 +438,9 @@ def _check_specification(items_to_add, items_to_remove, valid_items):
added_items = added_items.difference(removed_items)
added_items = list(added_items)
return sorted(added_items)

def get_max_gen_obs_size_for_expansion(config_dict):
tmp_config = MaxGenObsSize(**config_dict)
value = tmp_config.max_gen_obs_size
return value
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions tests/jobs/
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Expand Up @@ -40,3 +40,18 @@ def setup_poly_ert(tmpdir, test_data_root):


def setup_poly_gen_param_ert(tmpdir, test_data_root):
cwd = os.getcwd()
test_data_dir = os.path.join(test_data_root, "poly_gen_param")
shutil.copytree(test_data_dir, "test_data")

res_config = ResConfig("poly.ert")

yield res_config


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