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Add fuzzy search capabilities to your Vi editor.

This Vim plugin is written in pure vimscript and doesn't have any dependencies. It enables you to perform a fuzzy search in current file or recursively in all files.


  • Install using your favorite package manager, e.g., Vundle:

    1. Add the following to your .vimrc: Plugin 'eranfrie/fuzzy.vim'.
    2. Reload .vimrc.
    3. Run: :PluginInstall.
  • Manual installation: copy fuzzy.vim to your plugin directory (e.g., ~/.vim/plugin/ in Unix / Mac OS X).


  • FuzzySearch(pattern) - perform a fuzzy search of pattern in the current file. The search is case-insensitive.

  • FuzzySearchMenu(flags, pattern, cur_file_only) - perform an menu-based case-insensitive fuzzy search, where flags is optional grep flags (can be empty string), pattern is the pattern to search for and cur_file_only is whether to search in current file only or not (set to 1/0 accordingly). Use the following keys to interact with the menu: Down, Up, PageDown, PageUp, Enter, Esc, Ctrl-C, Backspace or any other key to add a character to the pattern.

  • FuzzyBack() - jump back to previous location.


  • Change the default grep tool. For example, use git grep:
let g:fuzzy_grep_cmd = "git grep"
  • Exclude files using Vim's regex
let g:fuzzy_exclude_files = "<regex>"

E.g., exclude files stsarting witth test or containing simulation:

let g:fuzzy_exclude_files = "^test\\|simulation"
  • Set the height (number of lines) of the selection menu
let g:fuzzy_menu_height = 15
  • Set the color of the file path of the results in the selection menu
let g:fuzzy_file_color = "blue"
  • Disable loading the plugin
let g:loaded_fuzzy = 1


Keys are not automatically mapped. You can choose your own mappings, for example:

" perform a regular search by :F <pattern>
command! -bar -nargs=1 F call FuzzySearch(<q-args>)

" interative search -
" search in current file by :Fsf <pattern>
command -bang -nargs=* Fsf call FuzzySearchMenu("", expand(<q-args>), 1)
" search recursively :Fsf <pattern> (note the additional `-r` flag)
command -bang -nargs=* Fsa call FuzzySearchMenu("-r", expand(<q-args>), 0)
" return to previous location
nnoremap <leader>o :call FuzzyBack()<CR>

Instead, you can use git grep (-r is not required):

let g:fuzzy_grep_cmd = "git grep"
command -bang -nargs=* Fsf call FuzzySearchMenu("", expand(<q-args>), 1)
command -bang -nargs=* Fsa call FuzzySearchMenu("", expand(<q-args>), 0)


A Vim plugin to add fuzzy search capabilities







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