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iteration 1 MVP

tamenewu edited this page Jun 17, 2017 · 30 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Iteration1
  2. Team Goals
  3. Task Management


At this Iteration we would have a prototype software complete. The prototype software would:

  • Web user Authentication - the login page
  • Start shift
  • Adding Report
  • End Shift
  • Setting report
  • Total Estimation 1 week.

at the end of this iteration, we would have also defined software requirements, according client requests.

Result screenn shot

Main application for Internet access

Each user receives their password from the organization. The user name is his or her ID number. Fill in your username and password and click the Connect button

login page

Once logged in the user will switch to the second page. From this page the user can "start the tour", "add a point" or "report an event" by clicking the relevant button

main screen

  • Once logged in the user will switch to the second page. From this page the user can "start the tour", "add a point" or "report an event" by clicking the relevant button.
  • In case he chooses the "start the tour" he comes to this page. This page has the option to write the "staff number", "number of volunteers", "team leader"

start shift empty

  • Once logged in the user will switch to the second page. From this page the user can "start the tour", "add a point" or "report an event" by clicking the relevant button.
  • In case he chooses the "start the tour" he comes to this page. This page has the option to write the "staff number", "number of volunteers", "team leader".
  • Then a new page is opened that needs to register all the volunteers and then the tour is completed.

start shift

This page arrives after each entry starting the tour. In the King of the Tour volunteers can add important points and report an event

main screen after start shift

If he chose "Add a point", you'll come to this page. On this page it has two options to choose "cold spot" and "hot spot".

add spot

Screen to fill a change type report.

screen that describes the status of the team.

On this page you arrive at the end or during the tour. Volunteers can send reports as needed to organizations such as the police, Magen David Adom, the fire department, the district coordinator and the district director.

important phone

Team goals:

Each team member has a task in this iteration, so that the tasks are properly distributed and we finish the iteration in the minimum time

Task Management:

in issues You can see our tasks.

Next iteration 2

Go To The Iteration 2