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User Manual

tamenewu edited this page May 9, 2017 · 14 revisions

How to use our app:

  • The first page of the application will display a user connection screen which will direct the user to the next page in the application that will contain a menu according to his permissions.

  • The second page will contain a menu for user use when there will actually be at least two different options:

    1. for the managers of the association: will have access to all the data collected so far, access to the feedback submitted, access to certain tracking on the tour routes. there may be several different types of permissions for administrators depending on the level at which they need access to information).
    2. for the rest of the application users (who do the tours): will have access to the maps tours(that will have the possibility to inform about the particular situation they meet during the tour), and feedback pages for filling the necessary information.
  • As mentioned above, users will have different pages to use as they choose from now on:

    1. A page that holds all the information about cases that are still under treatment (personal cases of people and more ...).
    2. A page that contains information about the previous tour statistics.
    3. The map page of the tour.
    4. Page filling feedback in the middle of the tour in case it is needed.
    5. A feedback page at the end of a tour.
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