Hi there!! π
This repo is about a Spring Boot Client application to integrate with the GitHup API , specifically with the Githup Search API.
Following, the original requirements
- Given a city name (e.g. Barcelona) the service returns a list of the top contributors (sorted by number of repositories) in GitHub.
- The service should give the possibility to return Top 10, 50 or 100 contributors.
- The service can be implemented using any set of technologies (language, framework, libraries), but we are more comfortable with Java and Go.
- The service should make use of the GitHub REST API (https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/rest).
- Make sure to accommodate to the GitHub rate limits.
- Paying attention to concurrency and other scalability issues will be highly appreciated.
- Provide a way for spinning up the system (e.g. docker-composer, docker-stack, kubernetes, etc).
- The system needs to be fault tolerant and highly available.
- Provide a diagram with the system architecture. It can be a hand made drawing
- Specify a deployment plan for the system. How will it grow in the future?
- Do not forget to talk about the performance, how to operate it, key monitoring parameters, observability, etc.
The technical decisions are based on the requirements specified above and taking into account the time I have to deliver the demo.
I decided to implement this integration with SpringBoot because it offers a quick and easy way to implement a configuration-based Rest Client. I can configure the integration easily and be focused in other requirements.
For a "real and production ready service", probably I would rather to use Java Standar or Go, and some third party libraries, basically for reducing the "magic",not be tied to a framework, and maybe to improve the performance as well
The implementation and Client configuration is based on the Github official documentation.I focused on the Github Search API documentation,and I have to said that the documentation is not entirely clear and there are some gap
The integration approach: This is based on a server to server communication, where we deploy a SpringBoot API that uses a Rest Client on the service layer to integrate with the Github API.
I decide to use Apache HTTPClient for the Github Rest Client Side. This library provides a connection pool manager that allows us to connections,timeouts, number of connections and a long etc.For more details, take a look to HttpClientConfig.java class in the project. I would like test OKHttp but is new for me .
For this requirement, I decide to use resilience4j. For this kind of requirements, we are talking about libraries which implements stability patterns, I have experience using Spring Cloud Stack with Hystrix and Zuul, but I don't like it so much. I did not want to add more and more dependencies and complexity. I have to said that resilience4j is new for me.
For more details about the implementation, see the application.yml configuration file and how is configured on the Service layer
This project provides different ways to get the system up and running; (like java app, docker, docker-compose, and of course Kubernetes). The solution for this issue has been to use a Makefile to automate processes to try to improve the developer experience. The makefile looks like following:
For instance, if you want to execute the local demo using docker-compose , just run :
make local-demo-start
If you have kubernetes locally:
make h-install
And this one,
make build ship run
Will build the project locally, running the test and creating the artifact, then will create the docker image, scan it , publish on the docker registry , and finally will install that image on your local computer using kubernetes
Fault Tolerant
I have tried to take in count this requirement in every step of the application life-cycle
Application configuration.
The application itself, is deployed with springboot actuator enabled and health-check endpoints.
And has been configured with resilience4j, so is pretty simple to configure stability patterns, like circuit breaker, bulkheads,etc.
When build the docker image
In the Docker-compose demo
In the Kubernetes helm package, where I configured a liveness and readyness probe in the deployment.
Highly Available and Scalable:
Although the local demo is done by default with docker-compose, because it is easier than whoever executes it I have at least docker, the "production" approach was implemented and tested to be deployed in kubernetes. By default, the helm deployment is configured to deploy a ReplicaSet with 2 instances.
The scale out , is simple to get , because we can increase the replicas number in the deployment and upgrade the helm release.
The scale up, simple, configuring the resources in the values.yaml
resources: {}
# We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
# choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
# resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
# lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
Finally, it is just a Rest Api Server implemented in SpringBoot and that has an Integration service configured with SpringBoot Rest Client to consume the Github api
Our application should be designed and implemented under Cloud Native approach.
The deployment plan should be based on the application lifecycle. This means that we must have a CI and CD system that allows us to carry out the changes in a continuous and stable way.
The CI and CD trigger should be based on the project repository. If We deploy on production, any branch in the repo must have exactly what was deployed.With that "source of truth" we can enable continuous deployment very easy.
Our artifact application should be built as a container image.
This dev artefact should be deployed and tested in a Kubernetes cluster continually.
The helm package is configured to update always the image when we run the helm upgrade.
The CI is crucial to improve and iterate de deployment process. Is very important to do integration test, get metrics and discover the best deployment strategy for the product.The CD must be born in the CI process.
It is very important keep the environment configuration parity to simplify the production deployment.
Do not forget to talk about the performance, how to operate it, key monitoring parameters, observability, etc.
Observability is crucial to understand how we should orchestrate our applications. We have to enable observability in our application taking in counts 2 things:
- In general terms, we should to follow the four golden signals rules for all our endpoints.
- We should to have metrics in all levels. For example, in this project, is very important to have a full trace and metrics of the server to server http calls. Performance, Dependencies, total request time, if exist any degradation.
The most important decisions about product implementation, architecture and implementation strategy come from active work on observability
The following section try to explain more in deep how is build the Api and how to configure your environment for build, and run .
- [Intellij]
- [Makefile]
- [SpringBoot]
- [Maven3]
- [Docker and Docker-Compose]
- [Helm]
- [Lens]
If you want to work on this project, you will need:
- Java 8
- Make
- Maven 3
- Docker Desktop
Before, use this project, please check the Mafiles command provides,
make help
For custom configuration, for example, ports binding, etc, check the .env file
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/erasmolpa//github_api_client_spring_boot
Run Make build commands:
make m-install ##For build the java artifact.
if you want build the docker image locally
make build
The most "complete" way to run, at least from now, is the docker-compose-demo option, because deploy, prometheus and grafana as well.
For locally demo using docker-compose :
Start demo
make local-demo-start
Stop demo
make local-demo-stop
If you have not Make installed, you can run docker-compose demo directly as following:
docker-compose -f local_demo/docker-compose-local-demo.yml up -d ### For START
docker-compose -f local_demo/docker-compose-local-demo.yml down ### For STOP
Grafana (user:admin, pass:foobar)
You can run the following make command to deploy locally:
helm install
make h-install
The helm deployment is configured to expose the API service as NodePort.That means, you will have the service in your localhost and random port.
kubectl get svc -n default
And then navigate to the endpoint
About project Tests. Are a bit poor. I cannot dedicate all the time I would like to create Mock and integration Testing.
Following, let me show you how are mapping the request to the Github API from our Service.
Github API Request --> https://api.github.com/search/users?l=&o=desc&q=location:barcelona&s=repositories&type=Users
Api Client --> http://localhost:8080/api/v3/ranking?location=barcelona
Github API Request --> https://api.github.com/search/users?o=desc&q=barcelona&s=repositories&type=Userspage=1&per_page=10
Api Client --> http://localhost:8080/api/v3/ranking?location:barcelona&limit=10
- Eg 3 Get Barcelona City Ranking , adding pagination and number of contributors like page number and limit
Getting the top One contributor in Barcelona:
Github API Request --> https://api.github.com/search/users?o=desc&q=barcelona&s=repositories&type=Users&page=1&per_page=1
Api Client --> http://localhost:8080/api/v3/ranking?location:barcelona&page=1&limit=1
Note Please, accommodate the following endpoints to your local url. These examples are based on the demo endpoint with localhost:8080 The http://localhost:8080/api/v3/ All the following end points and more , are available on the Actuator URI
/api/v3/actuator/metrics -- > Example http request
/api/v3/actuator/ratelimiters ## Services under a RateLimit configuration
For a production ready approach, This project should:
π§ Add CI and CD process.
π§ Add params validations. For example, check if a location exists or not.
π§ Add Integration Testing.
π§ Improve the Exception management.
π§ Improve the Log digest management with interceptors.
π§ Add Swagger support for auto document our API.
π§ Improve the Rate Limit configuration. Eg. Is not the same rate limit for users authenticates than not authenticated, enterprise or not enterprise account.
π§ Improve the resilience strategy, adding Circuit Breaker and Bulkhead rules.
π§ Add configuration to manage the system and API configuration to deploy into different environments .
π§ Make the Services observables. I add configuration to get prometheus basic metrics,but , would be great add New Relic Integration.
π§ Add Single Sin-On and authentication with Github.
π§ This Api integration is based on the github Api V3. Thinking in more complex scenarios, and if we add more integrations, will be a must create an anti-corruption layer and validations.
π§ Improve the security Level in the artifact. I add a Docker Scan check in the Makefile but that should be part of the CI and CD process
π§ Improve the network configuration of the Helm Package. Adding ssl support and change the service to ClusterIP. The service must be accesible from a Load Balancer or Ingress controller.
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
This project use Semantic Versioning
Please contact me in the email erasmolpa@gmail.com if you have any cuestion
And if you want, we can connect π