This document describes the API implemented by the Registry Service. It is placed in the "APIs" section of the documentation, but this does not imply that we want you to implement it. You will be only using it (as a client).
The Registry Service implements the Registry API described below. If you're not sure what the Registry is, please read the proper chapter in the EWP Architecture document first.
As opposed to all other services served inside the EWP network, the location of the catalogue served by the Registry Service is fixed and should not change. This means that you may hardcode this location into your client applications:
The Registry Service takes no parameters. It simply returns the response at the proper URL. The response format is described in the attached catalogue.xsd file. You may also review the catalogue-example.xml file for an example of a valid registry response.
Security is based on server certificate validation. The registry does not validate the client (all clients are allowed to access the catalogue anonymously).
If possible, clients SHOULD cache the registry responses in production environments. That is, clients should query the registry only once in a time and then reuse this response.
The clients MAY use the HTTP headers returned in the Registry response to determine the amount of time the Registry response should be cached for (the response will contain proper
headers). -
Clients MAY also choose their own constant value for such expiry, but it SHOULD NOT be lower than 1 minute, and MUST NOT be greater than 3 hours. A value of 15 minutes seems a reasonable recommendation.
When querying the Registry, clients MAY also utilize web caching techniques, such as If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match HTTP headers. If these request headers are used properly, the Registry will respond with HTTP 304 Not Modified status (thus reducing the time you need for receiving and loading the catalogue).
Yes. Manifest authors are advised that it MAY take some time for all changes to propagate to all clients.
Also, since all APIs described by the registry should be backward compatible
after they are deployed onto production systems, then caching their version
numbers is also safe.
Clients MAY keep the stale copy of the Registry's catalogue as a backup. E.g. if the Registry Server cannot be contacted for some reason, a stale cached copy of the Registry's response MAY be used instead (for a limited time).
The purpose of the catalogue served by the Registry Service is to allow the clients to answer the following questions:
Question 1: At which URLs and in which versions API X is implemented for institution Y?
Let's assume that you are searching for implementations of Echo API
, and Y's ID
. The list of all matching API implementations can be found with an XPath expression similar to this one://r:hei-id[text()=""]/../../r:apis-implemented/e2:echo
Then, you need look through the list of returned elements and:
Make sure that APIs are implemented in the versions you require. Usually you will want the entry with the highest
attribute (the entries in the Registry response are not ordered, you will need to order them yourself). -
Make sure that the API supports authentication and security methods you are planning to use. If this API follows the rules of Authentication and Security document, Version 2, then it's API entry will most often contain an explicit list of supported methods. (If you want, then you may also include your own list of supported methods directly in your XPath query.)
Question 2: I have received a HTTPS request signed by a client certificate
. Data of which HEIs is this client privileged to access?Determine the certificate's SHA-256 fingerprint first (e.g.
if you're using Java). Then, you can use an XPath expression similar to this one://r:client-credentials-in-use/r:certificate[@sha-256="<your-digest>"]/../../r:institutions-covered/r:hei-id
Note, that the IDs returned by this query are not necessarily unique.
Question 3: I have received a request signed with HTTP Signature with
equal toX
. How do I retrieve the actual public key, which I can later use to validate the request's signature?You can use an XPath expression similar to this one:
The result can be empty - in this case you should not trust the sender (because his key is unknown). If found, then its content will contain base64-encoded array of bytes with the encoded RSA public key.
Note, that retrieving the key doesn't tell you anything about the permissions of the sender. It only allows you to validate the sender's signature.
Question 4: I have received a request signed with HTTP Signature with
equal toX
. I have already validated the signature (as described in question 3), so I know that the sender is in possession of the private part of the key-pair. How do I retrieve the list of HEIs who's data is this client privileged to access?You can use an XPath expression similar to this one:
Note, that the IDs returned by this query are not necessarily unique.
Question 5: I don't trust regular TLS Server Authentication and I want to authenticate the server via HTTP signature. I have already found the API entry
, extracted the endpoint's URLY
from it, and have received the server's response which has been signed withkeyId=Z
. I have already validated the signature (as described in question 3), so I know that the sender is in possession of the private part of the key-pair. How can I verify ifZ
is the correct key with whichY
's responses should have been signed with?You can use a XPath expression similar to the one below. This expression is relative to
(it is important to have a single, specific elementX
determined before you continue):./../../r:server-credentials-in-use/r:rsa-public-key[@sha-256="<your-digest>"]
If such element exists, then this response has been properly signed. If it doesn't exist, then something's wrong - this key has not been designated for signing responses of this particular API endpoint (so there's a chance someone is trying a spoofing attack on you).
Namespace context used in the XPath examples above:
- Registry API response namespace,e2
- Echo API'sstable-v2
manifest-entry namespace.
There are many other types of queries which can be run against the catalogue. If you think we should include more examples here, please start a new issue for that.
There might be some client libraries implemented for accessing the Registry Service response. If there is one for your language, then - perhaps - you won't need to implement it yourself. Check out the EWP Developers page.
Data served by the Registry Service can be acquired from various sources, but the majority of it is being fetched from the manifest.xml files served by all the EWP partners.
The Registry Server will verify the SSL server certificates when it fetches the Manifest files from EWP Hosts.
The Registry Server will validate the manifest files before importing them. This includes the XML Schema validation, and meeting some other specific constraints (e.g. related to the security of certificates used). Note, that each EWP Host can be a subject to additional constraints specific to its own (e.g. EWP Hosts in Poland might be required to cover institutions with
SCHAC ID suffix only). -
If validation fails, the registry MAY attempt to import some of the data (the parts that are valid), but is NOT REQUIRED to. The registry MUST attempt to notify the maintainers of the faulty manifest file, and/or the maintainers of the Registry Service itself, so that the problem will be noticed.
The Registry Service will understand Discovery Manifest files formatted according to Discovery API specifications in versions
Contact Registry Service maintainers when you want to add your Manifest to the EWP Registry Service. The email address of the current Registry Service maintainer can be found on the Registry Service's welcome page.
One of the fundamental features required of the EWP Network is the ability to uniquely identify individual HEIs. A couple of HEI identifier types were already in use in Europe at the time the EWP network was designed, but only one of them - SCHAC identifier - seemed to be universal enough.
SCHAC identifiers are quite ingenious in their simplicity. They identify HEIs
by Internet Domain Names registered for them. E.g.
is the SCHAC ID
for the University of Warsaw.
SCHAC identifiers are obviously easy to be acquired by a human. We do acknowledge however, that its not so easy for machines. Some student information systems will probably identify external HEIs by their PIC or Erasmus codes, and such systems won't be capable to acquire SCHAC identifiers "on the fly".
For this reason, the EWP Registry provides a mapping. You will be able to use the Registry's response to help you map between PIC identifiers, Erasmus codes, and SCHAC IDs. The Registry will hold a database of these identifiers. Initially, this database will be based on Manifest files, but other sources MAY be used later on.