This repository contains the files required to run the image processing examples and project. Go through the readme file, please.
- Install Visual Studio Code from the Microsoft Store. (Store > Search for "VS Code" > Get)
- Install Python from the python installation file ( As soon as you open the installation window, on the first page, check the option that says "Add python.exe to PATH". DO NOT MISS THIS STEP. Then click install now and finish the installation with all the default settings.
- Once you are done installing python, open terminal(Start > Command Prompt) and type in
python --version
- In the same window, now type
pip install tensorflow opencv-python numpy cvzone mediapipe matplotlib
- You are now good to go. download the files and unzip the folder. Directly open the folder and not the individual files in Visual Studio Code.
sudo apt install python3
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install tensorflow opencv-python numpy cvzone mediapipe matplotlib
sudo snap install --classic code
pip3 install tensorflow opencv-python numpy cvzone mediapipe matplotlib