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Replicating the TravisCI Environment on your Local Machine

alistairbntl edited this page May 1, 2017 · 4 revisions

At times it is helpful to replicate the TravisCI test environment on your local system. For instance, Proteus tests may pass locally but then fail when your branch is pushed to github. Alternatively, you may be facing test dependency issues that only seem to arise in the TravisCI environment. In either case, it is nice to be able to debug these issues on your local machine.

Step 1 - Install Docker

First you need to install Docker which is a development tool that allows you to replicate other system environments locally. Explaining Docker is beyond the scope of this article, but there are some excellent instructional videos describing Docker and how to install it. For example check out

Step 2 - Pull Travis-CI Image

Now that Docker is installed, next you need to pull a Docker image that will replicate the TravisCI environment. There are many different Docker images for TravisCI and most of them will not serve your purpose. In my experience, your best bet is to pull the travisci-garnet image which can be found at (you can also find this by searching on Dockerhub). It is important to note that this Docker repository does not have a latest tag, so you will need to go to the tags section and find most recently created image. At the time of this writing, the most recent image had the tag packer-1490989530, so look for something like this.

Once you have the tag name, you can pull the Docker image with the command docker pull travisci-garnet:packer-1490989530 (or whatever you tag name is.)

Step 3 - Create a Docker Container

Now that you have your Docker image, you will need to run the command docker run -it travisci/ci-garnet:packer-1490989530 /bin/bash to build a container.

At this point, your Docker container should be running and open in a familiar bash shell.

Step 4 - Install Proteus

Finally you need to pull and install Proteus. First find an appropriate directory (I like /home/travis/) and then run git clone

To install Proteus in the container, you will want to follow the commands outlined in the hidden .travis.yml file that lives in the main Proteus directory. I would recommend opening .travis.yml somewhere that you can easily access it, then install gfortran, libffi-dev, libssl-dev and python-lzma and finally run the commands under the before_install and install headers verbatim.

Step 5 - Debug!

Congratulations you now have a running Docker container that will mirror the TravisCI system running on github! You should be able to debug as you would normally and fix that pesky problem.

If you have any trouble with this please don't hesitate to post a comment (ping me at @alistairbntl) and I'll be happy to assist.