About | Technologies | Getting Started | License
An application to connect barbers with their customers through appointments. This application has the following features: user authentication and creation, password reset, changing your user data, appointments creating, list your appointments...
The app was built during the "Bootcamp GoStack | RocketSeat ".
⌨️ Typescript —> Extends JavaScript by adding types;
⚙️ NodeJS —> A platform for building network applications;
🌐 Express —> Web framework for Node.js
📚 Typeorm —> Used to manage databases;
📚 PostgreSQL —> Used to store users and schedules;
📚 Redis —> Used to store cache;
📚 MongoDB —> Used to store notifications;
🌐 JSON Web Token —> Used to manage the tokens (Example: authentication);
✉️ Nodemailer —> Used to email sending
🔧 Jest —> Used to test the application;
⚛️ ReactJS —> A JavaScript library for building user interfaces;
✅ Yup —> Used to validation of input fields;
💅 Styled-components —> Tagged template literals to style the components;
✅ Unform —> Used to create forms;
⚙️ Nodemailer —> Used to email sending
⚛️ React Native —> A framework for building native apps using React;
🌐 Axios —> Promise based HTTP client for the browser and Node JS;
- Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/erickivel/GoBarber.git
- Move to the directory:
cd GoBarber
- Move to the server directory:
cd server
- Run
to install the dependencies - Run
yarn dev:server
to start the server
- Move to the web directory:
cd web
- Run
to install the dependencies - Run
yarn start
to start the web application
- Move to the mobile directory:
cd appgobarber
- Run
to install the dependencies - Run
yarn start
to start the expo - Open your mobile emulator
- On the Expo page (open in the browser), click to run on your emulator (ios/android)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.