I'm Eric Sizemore. A self-taught PHP Developer with roughly 17 years of experience. I took a long break around the time PHP 5.3 was released, and I am currently trying to get back up to snuff for PHP 8.2 onward. :)
I ocassionally blog about PHP and open source, but mostly randomness.
Repo | Description |
⭐️ (25) ericsizemore/simple_counter | A simple PHP counter that counts your website visitors. (2 days ago) |
⭐️ (2) ericsizemore/clock | Yet another clock abstraction, implementing PSR-20. (2 days ago) |
⭐️ (3) ericsizemore/librariesio | LibrariesIO - A simple API wrapper/client for the Libraries.io API. (2 days ago) |
⭐️ (1) ericsizemore/simple_tpl | This class implements a simple template engine that works by replacing text. (2 days ago) |
⭐️ (4) ericsizemore/utility | Collection of various PHP utility functions. (5 days ago) |
⭐️ (0) ericsizemore/cloudflare-turnstile | A PHP library for server-side validation of Cloudflare Turnstile challenges. This library is PSR-18 compatible and framework-agnostic. (2 months ago) |
⭐️ (1306) igorw/evenement | Événement is a very simple event dispatching library for PHP. (3 months ago) |
⭐️ (2) ericsizemore/php-project-template | Simple template repository for PHP libraries/projects. (3 months ago) |
⭐️ (6) ericsizemore/api | A simple wrapper/builder using Guzzle for base API clients. (3 months ago) |
⭐️ (1) ericsizemore/phpunit-coverage-check-action | Run PHPUnit Coverage Check (which checks the code coverage using the clover report of PHPUnit), as a GitHub action. (3 months ago) |
Repo | Description |
ericsizemore/cloudflare-turnstile | A PHP library for server-side validation of Cloudflare Turnstile challenges. This library is PSR-18 compatible and framework-agnostic. |
ericsizemore/php-project-template | Simple template repository for PHP libraries/projects. |
ericsizemore/phpunit-coverage-check-action | Run PHPUnit Coverage Check (which checks the code coverage using the clover report of PHPUnit), as a GitHub action. |
ericsizemore/clock | Yet another clock abstraction, implementing PSR-20. |
ericsizemore/api | A simple wrapper/builder using Guzzle for base API clients. |
ericsizemore/librariesio | LibrariesIO - A simple API wrapper/client for the Libraries.io API. |
ericsizemore/simple_tpl | This class implements a simple template engine that works by replacing text. |
ericsizemore/utility | Collection of various PHP utility functions. |
ericsizemore/dpm | |
ericsizemore/simple_contact_form | A rather simple PHP contact form script that can be integrated into an existing site/design, or be used standalone. |
Repo | Description |
ericsizemore/container | Small but powerful dependency injection container |
ericsizemore/awesome-php | A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things. |
ericsizemore/consistent-hash | ConsistentHash is a small library which implements consistent hashing. Modernized fork of flexihash/flexihash. |
ericsizemore/evenement | Événement is a very simple event dispatching library for PHP. |
ericsizemore/phar.io | Website of the phar.io project |
ericsizemore/phpunit-coverage-check | Check the code coverage using the clover report of PHPUnit. |
ericsizemore/numverify-api-client-php | Numverify phone number validation and country API client library for PHP. |
ericsizemore/pagination | Simple pagination library for PHP implements a paging interface on collections of things. |
ericsizemore/bench | Micro PHP benchmark library |
ericsizemore/wildcard | A simple wildcard matcher. |
Repo | Description | Last Release |
tempestphp/tempest-framework | The PHP framework that gets out of your way 🌊 | v1.0.0-alpha.5 (3 weeks ago) |
ericsizemore/utility | Collection of various PHP utility functions. | v2.2.0 (2 months ago) |
ericsizemore/php-project-template | Simple template repository for PHP libraries/projects. | v1.1.0 (3 months ago) |
ericsizemore/phpunit-coverage-check-action | Run PHPUnit Coverage Check (which checks the code coverage using the clover report of PHPUnit), as a GitHub action. | 2.0.0 (3 months ago) |
ericsizemore/clock | Yet another clock abstraction, implementing PSR-20. | 1.1.0 (4 months ago) |
ericsizemore/api | A simple wrapper/builder using Guzzle for base API clients. | v1.1.0 (10 months ago) |
ericsizemore/simple_counter | A simple PHP counter that counts your website visitors. | v6.0.0 (10 months ago) |
ericsizemore/librariesio | LibrariesIO - A simple API wrapper/client for the Libraries.io API. | v1.1.1 (1 year ago) |
ericsizemore/simple_tpl | This class implements a simple template engine that works by replacing text. | v2.0.1 (1 year ago) |
Title | Repo |
feat: add storage interface and support for file or db based templates | ericsizemore/simple_tpl (1 month ago) |
chore(docs): update readme to fix the 'badge poser' images | igorw/evenement (3 months ago) |
ci: Update awesomebot.yml to use upload-artifact v4 | ziadoz/awesome-php (3 months ago) |
ci: close stale issues and pull requests | tempestphp/tempest-framework (4 months ago) |
fix: Update Client.php | ericsizemore/api (8 months ago) |
Create continuous-integration.yml | ericsizemore/api (9 months ago) |
Delete .github/workflows/tests.yml | ericsizemore/api (9 months ago) |
Delete .github/workflows/main.yml | ericsizemore/api (9 months ago) |
Bring 6.x dev to master, as we are close to 6.0.0 release | ericsizemore/simple_counter (10 months ago) |
Update tests.yml | ericsizemore/utility (10 months ago) |
If you like what you see, or you are enjoying any of my projects, consider a Sponsorship or buying me a ☕. Certainly not required, but greatly appreciated.