- React typescript chrome extension for time management and music playback.
- Pomodoro timer commands:
- Play/Pause timer
- Clear timer
- Reset timer
- User input for hours, minutes, and focus description
- Desktop notification when timer complete
- Spotify playback commands:
- Play/pause track
- Previous/next track
- Save/unsave track
- Seek track
- Volume control
Initially, I wanted to learn about creating a simple chrome extension, which was a pomodoro app. However, it was fairly easy to build since I've learned basic react and web development. So to make things more challenging, I ventured to learn new technologies, including typescript and webpack.
Eventually, the pomodoro app was expanded to include Spotify when I thought music would be complementary to a timer app. When I researched there was no such application in the Chrome store, I thought I had to build it. Then, Doro was born.
- Front-end library: ReactJS
- Front-end framework: Bootstrap
- TypeScript bundler: Webpack
- Spotify library: Spotify Web API
- Chome extension API: Chome API Reference
- Testing library: React Testing Library
- Submit Spotify quota extension request
- Publish extension to chrome web store