Steps are necessary to get the application up and running:
Install Node:
curl -sL | sudo -E sh -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Verifing if node version is 8.x
node -v
In the work directory, download dependencies:
npm install
To populate development database:
- run the application
- open another terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) and go to server folder (e.g. cd /server)
npm run seed
To run automated tests, run:
npm run test
To view code coverage, run:
npm run coverage
So, go to coverage folder (cd /server/coverage) and open the index.html in a browser.
So every time you need to start the app, run:
npm start
Application started on http://localhost:3030
Swagger API Docs on http://localhost:3030/swagger-ui.html
Tip 1: install vscode
Tip 2: install eslint (npm install -g eslint)
Be happy during development ;)