Designed to help easily find the product name associated with a specific GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) used in Microsoft licensing. The script retrieves and processes a lookup table from an online source, allowing you to search for product details using a GUID.
The complete product names and service plan identifiers for licensing in Entra ID and Office 365 is found here:
In short, the HTML-table is retrived from the above website, then parsed into a PowerShell-Object, and saved to disk as a CSV-file for next lookup. If the CSV already exsists, it will do the lookup directly vs. the local file.
The intention is illustrate how to create the lookup-table, and then use it in other scripts, to display friendly productnames instead of GUID or string IDs. This script alone, has limited value.
.\LicenseIdToProductName.ps1 -GUID '06ebc4ee-1bb5-47dd-8120-11324bc54e06'
.\LicenseIdToProductName.ps1 -ShowCompleteTable