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The PSAdaptiveCard PowerShell module designed to create JSON-formatted Adaptive Cards. Adaptive Cards are a way to present content in applications such as Microsoft Teams. This module includes functions to construct various elements of an Adaptive Card, and a function for posting these messages to Teams channels using Workflow webhooks.

To get started with worksflows and generate a webhook URL, look here.

Straight to the point - an example

#Use functions to add a header-text and a table to a card.
$cardContent = @(
    New-TextBlock -Size extraLarge -Weight bolder -Text 'Services'
    Get-Service | Select-Object Name, DisplayName, Status -First 5 | New-Table -HighlightValueMatch 'Stopped' -HighlightValueStyle 'attention' -headerRowStyle 'accent' -gridStyle 'accent'

#We must provide a webhook-URL. This is a partial example:
$WebhookURI = '[REDACTED]/triggers/manual...'

#Put the elements inside an Adaptive Card, then wrap the card as an attachment to a message, convert it to JSON, and POST it to webhook URL:
New-AdaptiveCard -BodyContent $cardContent | Send-JsonToTeamsWebhook -WebhookURI $WebhookURI -fullWidth

This results in the following message to your Teams-channel: image


Install-Module -Name PSAdaptiveCard



Creates the structure for an Adaptive Card.

Parameter Description
BodyContent (mandatory) An array of card elements (e.g., text blocks, fact sets) to be included in the body of the card (psobject)


$cardContent = @(
    New-TextBlock -Text "Hello, Teams!" -weight 'bolder' -size large
    New-TextBlock -Text "Lorem Ipsum Dolar ... "
New-AdaptiveCard -BodyContent $cardContent


Convert AdaptiveCards to JSON-payload for MS Teams Workflow-based webhook and post it.

Parameter Description
webhookURI (mandatory) Specifies the Microsoft Teams webhook URL to which the adaptive card will be sent (string)
adaptiveCard (mandatory) Accept pipeline input, specifies the adaptive card content as a PowerShell custom object (psobject)
fullWidth This switch parameter specifies whether the adaptive card should be displayed at full width in Teams. If this switch is included, the card's width is set to "Full"
onlyConvertToJson This switch parameter specifies whether the function should only convert the adaptive card to JSON and output it, without sending it to the Teams webhook


$cardContent = @(
    New-TextBlock -Text "Hello, Teams!" -weight 'bolder' -size large
    New-TextBlock -Text "Lorem Ipsum Dolar ... "
New-AdaptiveCard -BodyContent $cardContent | Send-JsonToTeamsWebhook -WebhookURI $WebhookURI -fullWidth


Creates a text block element for an Adaptive Card.

Parameter Description
text (mandatory) The text content (string)
size Size of the text (default, small, medium, large, extraLarge)
weight Weight of the text (default, lighter, bolder)
color Color of the text (default, dark, light, accent, good, warning, attention)
wrap If true, allow text to wrap. Otherwise, text is clipped (true, false)
maxLines Specifies the maximum number of lines to display. (int)
isSubtle If true, displays text slightly toned down to appear less prominent (true, false)
separator When true, draw a separating line at the top of the element (true, false)
spacing Controls the amount of spacing between this element and the preceding element (default, none, small, medium, large, extraLarge, padding)
horizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment of the text (left, center, right)


$textBlock = New-TextBlock -Text "This is a text block" -Size "large" -Weight "bolder"


Creates a fact set element for an Adaptive Card, typically used to present key-value pairs.

Parameter Description
object (mandatory) Input object from the pipeline (psobject)
titleProperty (mandatory) The property of the object to use as the title (string)
valueProperty (mandatory) The property of the object to use as the value (string)


Get-Service | Select-Object -First 2 | New-FactSet -TitleProperty Name -ValueProperty Status


Creates a table element for an Adaptive Card, dynamically defining columns based on object properties and supports highlighting specific cell values.

Parameter Description
object (mandatory) Input object from the pipeline (psobject)
firstRowAsHeader Boolean to specify if the first row is a header (true, false)
showGridLines Boolean to show grid lines (true, false)
headerRowStyle Style for the header row (default, dark, light, accent, good, warning, attention)
gridStyle Style for the grid (default, dark, light, accent, good, warning, attention)
highlightValueMatch Text to match for highlighting (string)
highlightValueStyle Style to apply for the highlight (dark, light, accent, good, warning, attention)
horizontalCellContentAlignment Horizontal alignment for cell content (left, center, right)
verticalCellContentAlignment Vertical alignment for cell content (top, center, bottom)


Get-Service | Select-Object -First 10 | New-Table -HighlightValueMatch "Stopped" -HighlightValueStyle "attention"


Creates an image-element for an Adaptive Card. Acceptable formats are PNG, JPEG, and GIF.

Parameter Description
url (mandatory) The URL to the image (uri)
altText Alternate text describing the image (string)
backgroundColor Applies a background to a transparent image. This property will respect the image style (string)
height The desired height of the image. This overrides the size property`
horizontalAlignment Controls how this element is horizontally positioned within its parent (left, center, right)
size Controls the approximate size of the image (auto, stretch, small, medium, large)
style Controls how this image is displayed (default, person)
width The desired on-screen width of the image, ending in ‘px’. E.g., 50px. This overrides the size property
separator When true, draw a separating line at the top of the element (true, false)
spacing Controls the amount of spacing between this element and the preceding element (default, none, small, medium, large, extraLarge, padding)


New-Image -url "" -size large -altText 'Cool cat'


🔵Example 1 - Header and a table of services

$Services = Get-Service | Select-Object Name, DisplayName, Status -First 5
$cardContent = @(
    New-TextBlock -Size extraLarge -Weight bolder -Text 'Services'
    $Services | New-Table -HighlightValueMatch 'Stopped' -HighlightValueStyle 'attention' -headerRowStyle 'accent' -gridStyle 'accent'
New-AdaptiveCard -BodyContent $cardContent | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20


  • Tabled is created from any PowerShell-object first by adding all noteproperties as headers, then adding all objects as additional rows
  • Highlighting of matching values of text in textblocks inside of table cells is supported with a parameter set, as illustrated above

🔵Example 2 - Header and a "Fact set"

$Header = New-TextBlock -Size extraLarge -Weight bolder -Text 'Employees'
$exampleObjects = @(
    [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'Jon Doe'; Type = 'Male'; Description = 'Works at Contoso' },
    [pscustomobject]@{ Name = 'Jane Doe'; Type = 'Female'; Description = 'Works at Fabrikam' }
$Factset = $exampleObjects | New-FactSet -TitleProperty Name -ValueProperty Description

New-AdaptiveCard -BodyContent $Header, $Factset | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20


🔵Example 3 - Header, sub-headers, lists and emoji's to Teams

$WebhookURI = '[your webhook uri]'

$Header = New-TextBlock -Size extraLarge -Weight bolder -Text '😇 or 👿'
$TextBlock1 = New-TextBlock -Size large -Weight bolder -Text 'List 1' -Color good -separator $true
$TextBlock2 = New-TextBlock -Text '- Item :)\r- Item\r- Item' -Color good
$TextBlock3 = New-TextBlock -Size large -Weight bolder -Text 'List 2' -Color attention -separator $true
$TextBlock4 = New-TextBlock -Text '1. Item :(\r2. Item\r3. Item' -Color attention 

New-AdaptiveCard -BodyContent $Header, $TextBlock1, $TextBlock2, $TextBlock3, $TextBlock4 | Send-JsonToTeamsWebhook -WebhookURI $WebhookURI



Generate Adaptive Cards JSON with PowerShell-code






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