ChromActivity is a computational framework for the annotation of regulatory activity genomewide, through integration of data from epigenomic maps and multiple functional characterization assays.
We generate three types of annotations:
- Expert score tracks: Genomewide regulatory activity prediction tracks associated with each functional characterization assay dataset across all cell and tissue types with epigenome data
- ChromScoreHMM annotations: Cell type specific genome annotations based on the combinatorial and spatial patterns within the expert predictions
- ChromScore tracks: Genomewide, cell type specific ensemble regulatory activity prediction tracks. Provides a numerical score for each 25 bp interval in the genome
Precomputed annotations are available to download at:
View annotations on the UCSC Genome Browser: session link, track hub link
ChromActivity manages its dependencies using the conda
package manager. Mambaforge is the recommended distribution for installing conda
# Download ChromActivity from repository
git clone --depth 1
# Set up conda environment
cd chromactivity
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate chromactivity_env
# Download and extract ChromHMM
wget -N -P vendored
unzip -o vendored/ -d vendored
By default, ChromActivity uses imputed epigenomic data from the Roadmap Epigenomics compendium with the following directory structure:
# Data URLs:
# Imputed signal tracks
# Peak calls
# 25-State ChromHMM model
Overriding the default directory structure is possible by modifying chromactivity/
Command line usage examples:
# Train and serialize ChromActivity experts using the default labels in "data/labels"
chromactivity train_experts --labels_dir data/labels --model_out_fn "models/my_chromactivity.model"
# Generate tracks from serialized model for the HepG2 (Roadmap epigenome ID: E118) cell type
chromactivity generate_tracks --model_fn "models/chromactivity.model" --cell_types "E118" --coords_bed_fn "data/external/test.bed" --combined_bigwigs_out_dir "tracks/"
# Generate ChromScoreHMM annotations from generated tracks
chromactivity train_chromscorehmm --num_states 15 --track_dir "tracks/" --out-dir "models/chromscorehmm"