This is an app with React to get information from a Pokemon API.
- Requirements
It has the next features:
- It has a pokemon list where it has to show the photo, name, number and types for each pokemon.
- The API has a limitation for IP to 300 calls for a day.
- The pokemons has to be shown.
Learning REACT library.
To understand how to manipulate a page through components in React.
To request data to an API.
- React
- HTML 5
- Gulp
You need to have Node.js installed
Clone or download the repository in your computer.
To install local dependencies, type:
npm install --save prop-types npm run build npm run docs
Also, you need to install React Route and SASS:
This runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
You can also create a docs folder by running run build
and npm run docs
This tiny project was created by Elena Ramírez Reinoso
How to reach me:
GitHub: @erreinoso
Twitter: @_ElenaRReinoso
LinkedIn: @eramirezreinoso