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Rick and Morty WebSite!🚀

The objective of this project is to create a web search engine, where through a call to the Rick and Morty API. We can visualize a list of characters and we can also filter by character name, specie (human or alien) and select the character we click on a new route. In addition, through localStorage we can save our data in the browser.

Note: This project is done using class components. You could find it with functional components in this repo.

Final Project - REACT ⚛️

The object is to create a webpage that lets the user display and filter characters from the TV series Rick and Morty.

- Requirements

  • Use React
  • Have at least one component for each of the following:
    • Filters with a minimum of search by name (text input) CharacterList which displays a CharacterCard for each character
    • CharacterCard showing character's name, photo, and species
    • CharacterDetail showing character's foto, name, species, origin, number of episodes, and living/dead status
  • Use React Router to build navigation between components
  • Error components for no results or character not found circumstances
  • Use icons/emojis to display character data
  • Order characters alphabetically
  • Good responsive design, especially for small devices
  • Use a grid system to display characters
  • CSS to make it stylish

screenshot of search page

Learnings 💡

  • Array methods
  • .map,.filter,.sort
  • Syntax extension to JavaScript
  • Handling Events
  • LocalStorage
  • State and Lifecycle
  • React Router
  • Lifting State Up
  • Components and Props

Tools 💻

How to run this project? 👇

  • You need to have Node.js installed

  • Clone or download the repository in your computer.

To install local dependencies, type:

npm install

Also, you need to install React Route and SASS:

npm install --save react-router-dom

npm install node-sass

In the project directory, type:

npm start

This runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.


This tiny project was created by Elena Ramírez Reinoso

How to reach me:

GitHub: @erreinoso


Twitter: @_ElenaRReinoso

LinkedIn: @eramirezreinoso


Rick and Morty characters website : React JavaScript HTML5 CSS






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